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I wake up.
"Good morning!" I say to myself with a smile on my face.
I get up out of bed with a big stretch and I put my cosy slippers on. I open the curtains and ah, it's a lovely sunny day! Today will be a good day!

I walk downstairs of my extremely darling house and I check the calendar by the front door, 10th June 1850. Glorious day! I love an even number I do!
I walk into the kitchen and I see my beautiful wife, Edith. She's there cooking me eggs and bacon as she usually does, perfectly. Everything about my wife is perfect, I love her.
I sit down in the dining room and not a second later Edith comes in with my plate of breakfast smelling absolutely delicious!
She places the plate in-front of me with her pretty
smile sat there on her face and

then she collapses.

She drops to the floor while.. buzzing?
Her throat cracks open and wires come loose.
I gasp.
"EDITH?!" I shout.


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