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October, 31st, Halloween night, Five Years Ago...

Eden held my hand, walking next to me. We were definitely to old for trick or treating, but just the right age for bar hopping.

People of all walks of life, decked out in creative and wild costumes passed us on the sidewalk.

I turned to her. It was weird seeing her as a blonde, but she insisted on dressing up as Harley Quinn. I think her crush on Margot Robbie played a big part in that.

She smiled up at me. "What're you looking at?"

   "The most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I swooned.

   She chuckled, pulling me closer to her. "You're cute."

   I smirked, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I try."

   We stepped into the next bar on the list. Costume clad patrons milled about, Halloween themed music blaring from the jukebox.

   We took a seat at a booth in the back, a barmaid joining us shortly after. "Great minds think alike." She said.

   I looked from her blood stained dress to mine. "Carrie was a childhood favorite."

   The woman smiled. "Same. What'll it be, you two?"

   "Two beers." I said.

   "Whatever you have on tap." Eden added.

   The woman nodded before taking her leave.

   "So, what do you say we head home after this? I'm ready to get you out of that dress." Eden said.

   A smile tugged at my lips, my foot finding hers under the table. "Sounds good to me, miss Quinn."

   She chuckled, the barmaid returning with our beers.

   After a couple more drinks, Eden and I headed out for the night, on our way home.

   The busy streets died down as we got closer to our apartment, the full moon hanging high above our heads.

   Eden stumbled a little, her foot landing in a deep puddle. "Dammit."

   I laughed, leaning against a nearby wall for support. "That's what you get for talking me into that last drink."

   She smirked, stepping closer to me, biting her lip. "Maybe I just wanted to get you drunk..."

   My lips quirked up. "Mm, why don't you kiss me, then?"

   Her arms snaked around my waist, her plush lips capturing mine.

   My eyes closed instinctively, the rest of my senses on high alert. The smell of her perfume, the feeling of her hands in my hair, the taste of cheap beer on her tongue and the metallic click of a gun ringing through my ears.

   We froze, my eyes slowly opening. The fear spread through me in an instant. Three masked figures stood in front of us. One had a gun, one a bat and the last a knife.

   The figure with the gun spoke first. "Give me your wallets! Now!" He ordered.

   Eden took a defensive step in front of me, pulling her wallet out, handing it to the man.

   I was to paralyzed to move. My whole body shook with fear.

   "Ivy... Your wallet..." Eden said.

   Tears welled in my eyes as I slowly pulled it out, my breathing becoming labored.

   "We don't have all night." The woman with the knife said.

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