Tonight In Vegas

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   The nerves, the panic, the uncertainty. It excited me.

   I looked over my cards. I needed a seven. Just one card and I'd have this in the bag.

   "Miss?" The dealer asked.

   "Hit me."

   The nerves settled in as he pulled the card, setting it in front of me.

   I smiled, flipping a poker chip over my fingers.

   "Player wins." The dealer said, stacking a pile of chips in front of me.

   I took one off the top, handing it to him. "Thanks for the game."

   Then, I was off with my winnings.

   I sat at the bar, a beautiful bartender approaching me. "What can I get for you?"

   "Scotch, neat." I replied, handing her a chip with a wink. "Keep the change."

   She smiled a little, placing the chip in her pocket before pouring my drink.

   I took a sip as another woman sat next to me. She wore a tight, black dress. It hugged her thin waist, her natural curves shown off perfectly. Her hair was blonde, but it wasn't natural and she wore far to much makeup. I knew what she was and I didn't mind.

   "Care to buy a lady a drink?" She asked, lighting her cigarette.

   I nodded. "As long as you're drinking scotch."

   She shrugged. "Works for me."

   I ordered another scotch, watching the young woman take a sip.

   "So, I'm gonna assume it'll take more than a drink to get you up to my room?"

   She smiled playfully. "You assume correctly."

   I tapped my finger against my stack of chips. "Let's take these drinks to go, then."

   She stood, dropping her cigarette in her drink. "Let's go..."

   I stepped into my room, holding the door for her.

   "I guess I picked the right girl." She said.

   I closed the door, locking it. "I guess so."

   She turned to me, pulling her dress off. "I don't think we need clothes anymore, do we?"

   I shrugged my overcoat off, dropping it to the floor. "No... I don't think we do..."

   She turned back around, bending over as she pulled her black, lacy panties down her legs.

   A smile tugged at my lips as I pulled my shirt off, unbuckling my belt.

   She looked at me over her shoulder, beckoning me with a finger, before walking off towards the bed.

   I kicked my pants off, following behind her.

   By the time I got there, she was completely naked, sprawled out on my bed.

   I removed my underwear before crawling on top of her, pressing my lips to the center of her chest.

   She tangled one hand in my hair, placing the other one between my thighs. "Mm, that didn't take much..."

   I smirked down at her, resting my hand just below her waist. "I could say the same for you..."

   She quickly rolled us over with a groan, taking her place on top. "What's your name..?"

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