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   What is ecstasy..? Simply put, it's a feeling of joy, happiness and excitement. To some, it's mystical, magical... Pure euphoria... It's addicting, overwhelming. Hell, it's so good they named a drug after it.

   It can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people... But, to me, ecstasy had one name: Aria...

   She was by my side when my eyes closed for the night and she was still there when they opened the next morning. She was my moon and my sun. She was the single most thing that brought meaning to my life. She was the love I've always yearned for, the angel I've always dreamt of. She was my ecstasy...

   I could feel the steadiness of her heartbeat against my chest before my eyes even opened. The feeling of her breath on my neck soothed me. The lingering smell of her perfume engulfed me.

   My eyes fell to the peaceful look on her face. She was at ease in my arms.

   I ran my hands softly through her long, red hair. "Aria..."

   Her eyes slowly opened, Her lips curving into a beautiful smile. "Good morning, my love..."

   I pressed my lips gently against her forehead. "Good morning..."

   She looked up at me, a playfulness hiding behind her bright, green eyes. "How'd you sleep..?"

   I smiled at the thought. Visions of last night playing behind my eyes. "Wonderfully..."

   It only took a second for her lips to capture mine and it felt like a lifetime before she released them. "Good... How about I make us some breakfast?"

   I sat up, shaking out my blonde waves. "I'll join you in just a second."

   She gracefully stepped out of bed, planting a quick kiss to my lips before wandering over to the door.

   My eyes traveled down the back of her t-shirt before landing on her hips. More importantly, the white, lace lingerie she still wore.

   With a little smile over her shoulder, she was gone...

   I sat at the kitchen table, sipping my coffee, daydreaming.

   "Lilith..?" I heard her voice.

   I looked across the table at her. "Yes, my love?"

   "Your sister is going to be here in an hour... We should get ready." She said.

   I felt my heart sink. My lungs deflate. The feeling of joy I had washed away.

   Persephone was the bane of my existence. She was loud, overbearing, entitled. The opposite of the ecstasy I've built here with Aria. My home was my safe space. It was my china shop and Persephone was the bull...

   I sat on the couch, picking at my fingernail, biting my lip. Everything in my life was perfect, flawless even. All except for her. She brought me stress and anxiety. She made me feel useless and unnecessary. Now, I'm sure you're wondering why that is... And, if you're not, tough shit, because I'm gonna tell you anyway...

   It all started when I was born. Persephone is seven years older than me. Which means she had a life with my parents long before I came along. Naturally, she was their favorite. Their first born. Leaving me as the afterthought.

   Persephone was perfect in my parents eyes. She was an honor student, the class president. She belonged to more clubs than I can count and was loved by pretty much everyone. She was every parents wet dream... While I was the complete opposite.

   I was the fuckup. The wasted opportunity. I partied my way through school before dropping out to pursue my dreams of becoming an artist. I didn't have a steady job, a 401K, or much of a life beyond Aria. And, even on my wedding day, my parents were disappointed with me.

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