Happy Birthday To Me

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Do birthday's actually matter? Do people actually care? I certainly didn't. About the only exciting thing about my birthday was that it landed on a Saturday this year... Yay.

Anyway, pessimism aside, I was officially eighteen today. A real adult. There's so much to look forward to, right? Bills, taxes, the price of cheese. I mean, have you bought cheese lately? It's fucking ridiculous.

I let out a long sigh as I rolled out of bed. "Alright, let's get this show on the road..."

After getting dressed, I made my way downstairs, seeing my dad hurriedly making his way out the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Last minute work thing. I'll see you later, ok?" He replied.

By "work thing" he meant banging his newest assistant. It's part of the reason my parents got divorced. Well, that and my mother was a violent drunk. Cute couple I know.

I just nodded. "Sure thing, dad."

Then, he was gone.

I plopped down on the couch, pulling out my phone.

"Sydney? Are you awake?" I heard. My stepmother. One of my dads former assistants. She was only five years older than me, by the way.

"Yep. What's up?" I replied.

She stepped into the room, adjusting her bra. "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday."

My eyes wandered down to her chest, the two... Largest reasons my dad hired her in the first place.

I know, I know, she's my stepmom, but I'm only human. "Thanks... You heading out to?"

She nodded, slipping her shoes on. "Yep, lunch date with some girlfriends."

I nodded. "Alright, have fun."

She thanked me before opening the door, but stopped. "Oh, Syd, your friend is here."

I stood up, walking next to my stepmom. Tara. The shinning light in my life. My best friend in the whole world.

She gave me a little wave, her eyes glued to my stepmothers chest.

"You girls have fun now." My stepmother said as she took her leave.

Tara watched her leave. "Your stepmom is so hot, dude."

I sighed. "Alright, simmer down."

"I would do some seriously horrendous shit just for one night with her." She replied.

I rested my head in my hand. "Ok... Anyway, why are you here?"

She turned to me, holding up an envelope. "This."

I took it from her. "What's this?"

She smiled. "Two tickets to a special, midnight screening of John Carpenter's They Live down at the theatre."

I quickly opened the envelope. "No fucking way."

"Yes fucking way." She replied.

I let out a little squeal, pulling her into a tight hug. "I love you."

She patted my back. "I know, happy birthday."

A little smile tugged at my lips. "Thank you."

She nudged me. "Just remember what I did for you when your stepmom finally divorces your dad."

I closed my eyes, shaking my head slowly. "I retract everything I just said."

"To late, I already heard you say it." She said, causing us to laugh...

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