Balloon and Nickel still shared a cabin despite the merge spilting up their teams. bot used to cabin with test tube until she was elimanated. then they started sharing a cabin with Balloon and Nickel because of their alliance. Balloon and Nickel slept in a bunk bed, and bot slept on a small couch against a wall by the door.

Balloon woke up to the sound of a blaring alarm from his phone. he pressed stop and began to wake up. both nickel and bot slept soundly, the two usually not waking up till about 9:00am. Balloon woke up at 7:50 out of habit. he used to wake up at that time because back when he went to school that's when his mom would wake him up. he went twards the bathroom and began to get ready for the day. he washed his face and brushed his teeth and hair, all that stuff. he walked out of the cabin to get himself some breakfast from the pic-nix tables. he thought for a minute of what he wanted. it was so hard to decide because it could technically generate anything! he thought for a few more minutes before generating some simple waffles and strawberry syurp. he ate it peacefully. it was nice being the first one up because there was no one to listen to. you could hear the soft sound of birds and the wind blew gently against your face. the air was always nice at 8:00. the sun was usually rising by now and the wind is a nice tempertaure before later in the day when it gets too hot. balloon pulled out his phone and put on one of his Melaine Martinez playlists. she had recently realsed a new album and he loved it. one of his favorites was void because of that one verse.

"pipe down all the noise i can not bare my sorrow, i hate who i was before."

the memories of season one werent pleasent, but weird ones to remember. he finished his breakfast and began to take a walk on the beach. he saw someone there. it was cabby. she was always the second one awake. he usually saw her on his daily walks by the beach. the never really conversated much. but he saw her looking for something on the ground. i guess she dropped her glasses or something. he walked over to go pick them up and hand them to her. "thanks balloon." she said, knowing it was him. he began to walk off to head back twards the cabins because it was around 8:48. he returned to the cabin and scrolled on his phone until 9:00.

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