Balloons alarm that usually signaled him to wake Nickel and Bot went off. he sighed and got up to go wake up his alliance. he first woke bot. they stirred and their eyes fluttered open.


"good morning balloon."

bot got up and stretched, going to brush their teeth and hair. They came back out of the bathroom and went with Balloon to wake Nickel.

"Nickel, bud, you gotta get up."

Nickel stirs, turning away. Bot stretched their legs out and tapped Nickel again. Nickel groaned, still not bothering to get up.

"is it always this hard to wake Nickel, Balloon?"

"Not usually? he usually gets up the first time."

Bot put their hand over Nickel's forehead.

"hmm. warm."


"he feels warm, Balloon."

Bot said with a worried expression. Balloon gave a sympathetic look to Nickel.

"is he sick?"

"looks like it. good thing there's no challenge today"

"what are we gonna do?"

"take care of him like the good alliance members we are ,bot!"

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