Chapter 5 - Thursday, September 12th

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One thing that I hate about the first week of classes is that you have no idea who's going to be in your classes.

Today when I walked into Astronomy though, I was pleasantly surprised. Being that the Astronomy Tower was closed for some "unknown" reason on the first week, we had to start the second week of classes. I think that one of the school poltergeists was blocking the stairway again.

"Ellie, if you're not careful, I may start to think you're in love with me," George jokes as he walks towards me. This time Fred is with him.

"Hi, George. Fred," I greet at the boys. "Not to be rude or anything, but I didn't think I would find you both here."

I look around and notice that the class is filled mostly with Ravenclaw, typical, but a lot of Gryffindor as well.

"We grew up watching the stars with our family as entertainment," Fred explained. "I started learning about constellations and George liked to find them in the sky."

"That's sweet," I smile at Fred, perhaps holding eye contact for a moment too long.

"So Ellie," George clears his throat, forcing me to look away from Fred and at him. "Romeo and Rosaline are going to be partners, would you like to be mine?"

"Yeah, sure," I look around, finally noticing both Angelina and her friend Alicia in the corner of the room. I can't help but chuckle at the Rosaline comment. It was a loaded one for George to make, but it seemed to have gone over Fred's head – or maybe he just stopped paying attention to us. "I heard we have to come up here at night to actually study and map the stars."

Even though this is technically our first class, Professor Sinistra didn't want us to fall even further behind on learning, so we began learning right away.

Today we're studying Zodiac constellations. We get to learn about our own constellation, mine being Leo.

"I found mine," I quietly say as I stop on the textbook page where it talks about my zodiac.

"I cannot find mine," George groans in frustration.

"When's your birthday?" I ask, feeling helpful at this moment.

"The first of April."

I can't help the giggle that escapes my mouth, "How fitting is that?"

Once I find the page on the Aries constellation, I flip to the page in his textbook and point it out. We sit for a few minutes in silence reading about our respective constellations.

My attention is only taken away from the book in front of me when I hear bickering from the table behind me. I sneak a glance back and see that it's Fred and Angelina.

"Trouble in paradise?" I snicker as I ask George.

"I don't think so, they do this all the time," George shrugs as he glances back. "I've learned that they're both extremely hardheaded."

I snicker, "Rosaline?"

George nods, "That's not his Juliet."

The smile on my face was not supposed to be seen, but George's reaction of a smirk showed that my emotions were prominently displayed on my face. I've had this stupid crush and it's as annoying as a mosquito that won't stop buzzing in your ear.

"Hey," George speaks again, "Are you going to Slytherin tomorrow?"

I nod and go back to my work. Class ends and I make my way to the library. Nathan and Talia would be in the room right now, and there's no doing work when they're around.

After an hour or so of working on my Divinations paper on Ornithomancy, I finally finish half of the scroll.

"Diffindo," I mutter and watch as the scroll cuts off after my last sentence. Who knew birds behavior could help you foretell the future?

I'm gathering my things, throwing everything into my school bag when bright red hair catches my eye. My luck must be all out.

Angelina and Fred are making out against the back wall.

If there were birds in front of me now, they'd be ramming their heads into the wall.

Rosaline, my ass.

because i liked a boy • fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now