Chapter 24 - Blindsided

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Each of Dipper's eyelids felt like they weighed as much as a lead door hatch. Why was it so hard to open them? He could hear a very annoying beeping noise in the background somewhere as if it was on the other side of a gymnasium, or perhaps underwater. Then he tried moving his head. Instant stars bloomed across his shut eyes accompanied by pain and dizziness. He tried to breathe in only to feel a sharp pain lance his ribs.

Dipper lay there in shock for a minute taking assessment. He tried again to open his eyes. This time they opened. A harsh white LED light shone above him half bliding him. As he squinted sharply against it a room came into focus. Dipper recognized it as a hospital room. If he was in the hospital...The last thing he remembered was Mabel...Mabel was falling over the edge! He felt like he had pushed her back to safety, but as he fell his face twisted away while he fell through the building. Slamming through the roof was the last thing he remembered. Maybe that's why his head hurt so bad.

But where was Mabel?!? Panic began to envelop him. He gasped, trying to find his voice. As he moved his arm he felt the IV tube jab into the tender flesh in his arm sharply. He winced in pain. He looked around the room trying to take in his bearings. He could see the Stans sleeping uncomfortably in chairs by the foot of the bed.

He looked to his right. To his great relief, he spotted Mabel. She had fallen asleep hunched over the bed while sleeping in a chair next to the bed. Her hand was wrapped around his arm gently as she slept. Her breathing was steady and she didn't appear to have any bandages. Perhaps she was all right he thought with a deep sigh of relief. He quickly regretted it as his ribs burned like fire.

His sigh now stirred the slumbering Mabel. Her ball of static brown wavy hair moved as she sat up, her grip on his arm loosening and tightening again. Dipper put his other hand on her shoulder gently in affection. He was grateful she was all right. Mabel whipped around her eyes wide as saucers. "Dipper!" she said, her voice sounding hoarse and raspy. She must have been crying a lot recently. Hopefully not over him.

Dipper, equally raspy from not using his voice, said, "It's all right Mabel. I'm here now." Mabel scaled the side of the bed and threw her arms around Dipper. Dipper coughed, "Gently Mabel...please." Mabel apologized softly, "Sorry Dipper. This whole thing...that fall...everything is my fault." She then burst into tears and hugged him her face plastered against his shoulder. Dipper ran a soothing hand gently through her hair. "Listen, Mabel," He said employing authority in his voice while he spoke as clearly as he could. "It was not your fault. It wasn't anybody's fault those bats got spooked. It just happened. It's OK Mabel...I'm here...I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Dipper smiled, "Besides who else would make sure you don't eat all your stashed candy in one night?" Mabel laughed once as the tears continued to roll. Dipper coughed lightly paying heed to his ribs. "And she OK?" Mabel nodded her head, "She's safe. Everyone's safe now." He could relax now.

Dipper could see the Stans were still sleeping. Mabel said, "We should wake them." Dipper looked at the clock on the wall. The hands read roughly 4:23 AM Dipper shook his head, which he decided not to do again as it began to throb. "Let them sleep. We can see them in the morning. Let's just rest till then. I still feel so tired..." Dipper could barely keep his eyes open. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized it must be painkillers or other drugs keeping his pain at bay at the cost of inhibiting his alertness.

Mabel squeezed his hand weaving her fingers through his as she sidled up next to him on the bed. Her voluminous wavy brown hair spilled out on the pillow as she lay down beside him. Dipper usually preferred his space while resting but right now he knew Mabel was distraught and needed to be close to him. Dipper was deeply relieved she had escaped the ordeal unscathed. Dipper lay back into the pillow feeling the weight of exhaustion cover him like the rising tide. He closed his eyes succumbing to its ebb and pull.

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