Chapter 17

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Thank you for reading Enjoy.

I'm very close to the end of this book so I'm going to finish it up then get back to the other books that are going.

Chapter 17


Walking around the tree line, I'm out of sight from the road. When a car comes down the road heading into town, I duck down as it slows to a stop right in front of me. For a moment I figured he saw me and that's why he stopped. But that wasn't it.

I stayed where I was and watched as the man I've known all my life turned on his flashlight and began looking around where the first car crashed. Keeping my light out, I watched from the shadows as he knelt down and picked something up.

Putting what gleamed in the moonlight into a baggy, he stood up and looked around before pocketing the knife. It must be the same knife that cut the brake line and slashed the tires.

How did he know just where it was?

Why didn't he pick it up earlier?

Because he was the one who put it there. All those pieces that I couldn't find just fell into place. How did we miss this? How did we not suspect the one person who had access and knowledge to everything and everyone?

I feel like a fool.

Watching him look on the other side of the road, I watch him pick up something else. Something small I can't make out. I watch him get into the trunk of his car and pull out a broom. Quickly, he covers any tracks around the road, along the sides where he walked and sweeps the dirt into the grass.

He's covering his tracks. Anyone who comes back in the morning to look around won't find anything. Even the skid marks are gone now. He must have helped her cut down the tree. He had to have been out here before the accident to know just where to look.

And doesn't that just connect the dots.

I waited knowing that I'm putting myself at risk more if I try to get out of here before he does. Twenty minutes turned into a half hour, a half hour turned into an hour before he got back into the car. I watched carefully and saw him examine his baggies before he started the car and took off. Only when I was sure he was gone did I move from my hiding spot.

The son of a bitch fooled us all!

I let this new information roll through my head. Putting the pieces together, there's so much that I understand now. How's and what's, when's and why are answered. I should have known this was happening. I should have seen it. Pushing on, I have a new plan.

It's pitch dark out here with only a thin slice of the moon to help guide me through the trees and brush. I brought my flashlight to track the bitch. I know she's out here. She won't get away this time. I'm going to finish it, once and for all.

I should have seen it in her. The crazy part that took her over. Looking back now I can recognize the difference between when she was lucid and when she began to lose it. It was the small stuff that sticks out to me.

She would get upset over the way I would remind her of conversations she wouldn't remember. Or comment on her changing her clothes two or three times a day. It was like she didn't realize she had been wearing something different not ten minutes earlier. I never thought twice about it. I should have.

So much makes sense now knowing there's a twin. I put it together at the accident scene. The way Lindsey spoke one minute she was queen of the ball and the next frantic. It was Dad's comment about Lindsey barely being able to drive the stuck with me.

Perking Up -Moss Bluff Series Book Three Where stories live. Discover now