Chapter 23 ~ Watch Your Back

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Ryleigh's POV
As I recovered over the next four days, Erik hardly ever left my side. I had to practically beg him to go and get some rest, but he stubbornly insisted upon staying with me.

"Erik, please. You've been here since yesterday morning, you need rest" I softly pleaded late one night.

"Ryleigh, don't worry about me, I will be fine. I want to stay here in case anything happens" he countered, and I knew that he was worried about Christine coming back.

"Darling, I will be fine, I promise. Please, if you want to make me feel better, get some rest. It's not healthy for you to go this long without sleeping."

"Fine" he sighed, giving up. "But if you need anything, just say the word and I will know" he replied, and I smiled at him with love in my eyes.

"Okay, Erik" I said softly, and I leaned over to kiss him one last time before he left. "I love you, more than anything. I can't wait for our wedding!"

"Neither can I, Angel. We can start planning it as soon as you are fully recovered" he smiled, and he pecked my lips one last time before reluctantly exiting the room. I laid back on my pillows and smiled giddily, I loved him so much.

I was just about to drift off when I heard the soft sound of the door creaking open. I raised my head and felt my eyes widen when I saw who had walked into the room. It was Christine.

"What do you want?! Almost killing me wasn't enough?" I said angrily.

"I would've killed him, but you had to be stupid and jump in front of him. Not that I'm complaining, it was quite hilarious watching both of you in such pain" she replied, a sadistic tone in her voice as she darkly chuckled.

"Christine, what happened to you?! You were so nice, and now you've turned into this,!"

"I already lost my father, Raoul left me, and now you're engaged to Erik! I have every right to be mad!"

"I understand why you're mad, but if you wanted to kill him then you obviously don't love him! Violence is never the answer!" I cried exasperatedly.

"Violence is never the answer, huh?! Do you even know how many people Erik has murdered?! How can you love a murderer?!"

"As a matter of fact, I did know that Erik had killed people. But I also know that he turned to violence because it is the only thing that he had ever known!"

"Whatever, Ryleigh! But you better watch your back, because one day he will be mine!" She yelled as she slapped me across the cheek and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

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