Chapter 27 ~ Christine's Rage

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Erik's POV
I silently opened the door to the mysterious room, hearing muffled voices on the other side. Being careful to not make the opening of the door be heard, I slowly opened the door until it was completely open. I looked inside and saw Ryleigh sitting on a bed, Christine staring at her with a sadistic look on her face. Christine's back was mostly turned to me, but Ryleigh looked at me in horror as she noticed me. I silently crept up behind Christine, but I supposed that Ryleigh's change in expression gave me away, because Christine whipped around and smirked as she saw me standing there.

"Sir, this is indeed an unparalleled delight! I had rather hoped that you would come!" She sneered, the smirk never leaving her face as she slowly walked towards me.

"What the hell do you want, Christine?" I asked annoyed.

"You. That's what I want. And I will get it, one way or another. See, you have a choice. Either say that you love me, or watch your precious Angel suffer in one of your torture chambers!"

"I will never love you, Christine. But you don't know how to work the torture chambers and I sure as hell am not going to tell you."

"But you will, Erik. You see, if not, I will automatically kill your precious little ingénue. Either way you choose you cannot win!"

"Christine, please. Think about what you're doing! You can get any man to love you, why me?!" I exclaimed desperately.

"Because I love you, Erik! Can't you see that?!" She said as she forcefully grabbed me and crashed her lips onto mine once again.

I pried her off of me and backed away. "HOW DARE YOU?!" I screamed at her.

"Erik, I love you! And you obviously can't see that, so maybe this will shut you up!" She screamed back, an insane fire aflame in her once innocent eyes.

Christine pulled out a gun and forcefully pulled Ryleigh next to her, pressing the barrel of the gun against the latter's head. My eyes widened in shock as I realized what she was about to do.

"This was going to be you last time, but this little slut that you say you love got in the way. Well, not any more! Say goodbye to your precious Angel, Erik!" She hissed at me, my heart filling with nothing but pure hatred.

"Christine, I'll do whatever you say, just don't lay a hand on her!" I yelled, Ryleigh just standing there with wide eyes.

"Say you love me, or she dies!"

"Erik, don't!" Ryleigh managed to scream, but Christine rammed the gun into the side of her head, causing her to fall to the ground.

I ran over to her and cradled her in my arms. "Angel, I have to. If I don't, she'll kill you."

"Erik, I love you, more than anything. But you remember that I'm from the future, right?" She replied, whispering the last part so Christine couldn't hear.

"I-I know. W-what are you saying?" I said, dreading the answer. Did I have to send her back to the future? I couldn't! I loved her more than life! More than anything!

"Find a way to get to Madame Giry. She'll know what to do. I don't want to leave you, Erik, but it's the only way. I love you, never forget that" she replied, tears welling up in both of our eyes.

"I love y-"

"You try my patience! Make your choice!" Christine screamed, her voice with a sadistic tone in it.

"Christine, I promise, I will do what you say. But may I please have a few moments to speak to Madame Giry?"

"Fine. But you better be back here in fifteen minutes, or else both of you will be dead!" Christine said, and I kissed Ryleigh's forehead softly as I ran out of the room.

The "Phantom" references are strong in this chapter! 😂 plus one "Into the Woods" reference! 😂💕 what's gonna happen? 😏 another update is coming shortly, and it was written by the fab totalphanguy !! 😱💕

I remain, your most humble and obedient servant,
-O.G. (Jk, it's TotalPhangirl 😂💕)

There Are Dreams That Cannot Be: A Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now