Chapter 4- Let hell begin.

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~~ the following morning


Classes start today and honestly? I'm not excited about it- like at all. It's currently 8:30, my first class is at 10. I've already heard things  about this professor & im not too excited about meeting him...

I finished packing my bookbag making sure to bring my laptop & charger because I have no clue how much work we'll be given. I mean it's only the first day but still.

I head out my room and into the lounge area in my dorm. There's no sign of the asshole thankfully. I grab a quick snack from the cabinet, and head out the door.

As I'm on the way to my first class, I hear someone calling my name. I already know who it is. And I try to speed up my steps but it doesn't work. "Zaria Williams..." I hear as my "sister" walks up beside me. My "parents" decided to send my spoiled ass wannabe Barbie adoptive sister to the same college as me .

All while paying for everything. Fucking. Thing. I worked my ass off studying in highschool & in volleyball to get my damn scholarship to this place. And like everything else, they just fucking hand it to her.

"What do you want Natasha?" I say all while walking to my class hoping she'll magically trip and fall.

"I told you I go by Nat now, Natasha is so 2019." She says while continuing to walk with me applying her mascara.

"What do you want? I don't have time for your childish games today."

"Is that any way of talking to your sister? I wonder how mom and dad would feel about you talking to me like that."

I roll my eyes at her comment as I enter my professors room hoping that would be the end of the conversation. But, unfortunately she follows me. I guess she has this class too. Fuck.

I scoff, I could care less what they think. " don't call me that. I am not your "sister" I was just another person for you to bully." I say while putting my bag down and getting my things ready for class.

"God, do you have to be so dramatic? You act like I ever did anything that could seriously hurt you".

This bi- deep breathes. Deep breathes. "So fucking my boyfriend for months behind my back wasn't hurting me right?" I glare at her while she sits next to me.

"He said you were being a stuck up Virgin Mary, so I gave him what he wanted." She shrugs. This bitch shrugs.

" I don't understand why you'd even bring that up it happened 2 years ago."

"You know what? Your right. Now can you move? I don't want you sitting next to me."

"Sure thing, sister" she says as she flashes her smile at me and moves. God I hate her.

I look around the class and notice who all is my class. I see a few faces from my tour group, and a few I've never seen before."hey girl! How'd you get settled in?!" I look to my right to see the bubbly blonde.

"Oh hey, Zoe right?".

"That's me!" She says smiling. I can't help but smile at her, she's so cute. "This professor is the worst, I don't even know how he still has his job. She says while getting her notebook and things out, I do the same.

" you've had his class before?" I question.

"Unfortunately, I failed his class last semester so here I am again. He only passes the people he likes, or the football team which beeteedubs are all hoes! Not my boyfriend though." I laugh at her comment.

"Good to know, I'll stay away from them."

"Do you play any sports?" She ask.

" I play volleyball actually, it got me part of my scholarship here I played soccer too, I'm thinking about trying out."

"Wow, no offense but I didn't take you as the volleyball type." I mean, I'm barely pushing 5'4. But my vertical jump is really high. You know what they say thick thighs save lives.

"Yeahh, most people don't think I'm good, or assume I'm a libero, which is what I played in highschool. . "

"What position do you play?".

" I mainly play outside or opposite."

"Wow that's awesome" she says in a tone & I can already tell her train of thought.

"You have no clue what those are do you?"

"Nope!". We both start laughing as the classroom door closes and the professor begins the lecture.

Half way through the lecture, the door swings open & in walks the grey eyed asshole, and his not so little sidekicks. The professor glances at the door, and quickly brings his attention back to the board. Is he.. scared of the asshole? I feel a nudge to my side and I turn to Zoe.

"You see those 3 who just came in? They are seriously bad news. They do underground fighting, racing, the works. I'd stay out their way"

"kind of hard when the leader of the rat pack is my roommate" I mutter.

"WHAT?!" Zoe suddenly screams. Causing me to jump a little & almost everyone to snap their head in our direction.

"Zoe... not so loud." I groan and let my head fall to the desk. Can I just die right now? This is so embarrassing.

"Sorry, sorry, I uh, thought I saw a bug." Zoe says to the professor with a nervous smile.

" Are you telling me Dagger is your dormmate?!" She asks

"Dagger?" I question.

"It's his street name" she shrugs. I laugh a little.

"What kind of name is that?"

"LADIES! do you need to be separated? Or will you two cut the chitchat out."

The professor booms across the classroom while sending glares at me and Zoe.As I go to apologize- "We're sorry- we'll be-"

"Why the fuck are you yelling?" I'm cut off by someone sitting behind us speaking. Zoe turns to look, while I on the other hand already recognize the voice. Dante.

"I-I-I apologize Mr.Silva they were just-

" don't really give a fuck. Stop yelling and teach." Dante cuts him off.

"Of course, turn to page...." The professor continues

Zoe looks at me with her mouth open. "Did he just stick up for us? Holy shit!" She whisper yells.

"He probably did it to save his own ass Zoe, let's not go overboard." I say with a shrug.With that, we fall into silence and finish the rest of the lecture.

We are so going to fail this semester.

Yall I might just do scenarios instead of the whole book idk yet 😭 but chapter 5

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