Chapter 39- Agreement.

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"That's not happening." I cut my father off as he attempts to tell me he's found a bride for me. "I will not marry for a fucking alliance." I continue.

"The Russians grow stronger by the day! You need to take over son, and you'll need an heir. You will not marry some whore, the Italian's daughter is perfect." Is he fucking serious?

"No." I say sternly. "I will get married on my own fucking accord." "Ah, this is because of this Zora, Zaria bitch I've been hearing so much about?" Before I know it, my gun was drawn and aimed at my father. "Don't speak of her. Ever." I warn as his men point their guns at me.

"You shoot him, I shoot you." Jayden speaks as he and Luca draw their guns. "Put them down boys, he won't shoot me. Not today at least." He chuckles ordering his men to put their guns down. I motion for Jayden and Luca to put theirs down as well before doing the same.

"She is not fit for this world, son. She will just be another money hungry whore-" "With all due respect sir, if you continue to talk about my sister like that I will forget you're my boss." Jayden grits out. "Your sister? Wow this keeps getting better and better. When will I meet her?"

"Never." I quickly shut down any thought he might've had. "You will not speak, nor see her. Ever. And I will not be marrying that Italian girl. She's annoying, and half of her body is fucking fake."

"Her father has power, that's what we need son. Being the biggest empire means making sacrifices. You know this." He was right. But marrying a random fucking woman? Not happening. "I've said all I need to say, if you're done spewing bullshit, you may go." I point at the door as I sit back in my chair.

"Think about it son. I would hate for anything to happen to this... Zaria? The Italians will be at the club tonight, and you will come." He stands, before exiting my office.

"Fuck!" I swipe the top of my desk knocking everything onto the floor. "Dante if your dad tries anything with-" "he won't." I assure him. I need to see Zaria.

"The Italians will be at the club tonight.. what about the deal?" Luca questions. A smaller gang has been causing some trouble lately, an insider tipped us off that they'd be trying to sell our stolen product tonight.

"Nothing changes. We find them, we kill them."
"Won't it be risky? We will need a distraction of some sort." A distraction... "let me take care of that." I slip my phone out my pocket heading out the door.

"Call Ryan, tell him to be at the house at 3. I want a full report on the dude doing the deal tonight." Jayden nods as I slip out the door. This will be fun.

                           . . .

"Aaron Green. 23, leader of the night strikers. He's the one making the deal. He's a regular at the club, he's been kicked out a few times for messing with the dancers." Ryan gives us the file on the- soon to be- dead man.

"He's dumb enough to come on our territory and sell our fucking product?" Jayden scoffs. "Indeed he is. Brave little fucker, I'll give him that." I lean in taking a closer look at... Aaron. "He's goes by Viper, that's what his clients call him." Ryan continues closing his laptop.

"So, what's the plan?l" "we'll pay someone to get him to the back, maybe slip something into this drink. Nothing too dangerous. I want him alive and back at the warehouse tonight." I stand as I reach for my phone.

"We're going to find... a random woman, I'm assuming, to this shit and not ask questions? You think that'll work?" Luca challenges. He was right, they would be curious and might even snitch.

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