Chapter 42- taken

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I zip my jacket up, turning off my car. It didn't take me long to get to the cafe. was I speeding? maybe a little. I take a deep breathe before exiting my car. here goes nothing. As I walk through the parking lot, I hear footsteps behind me. I take larger steps to the cafe, but before I can reach the building I'm grabbed, and pulled into the alleyway.

"Hi there beautiful... was it Ciara?.. or is it Zaria today?" my body goes limb as I meet his eyes. "A-Aaron?" I mutter. he had a big gash along his cheek, and his clothes were full of blood. "That's right. So let me tell you what's going to happen."

I feel the barrel of his gun pressed against my stomach. "You're going to slide me your phone, and do it quietly. Try anything, and you'll be dead, right here in this alleyway.Nod if you understand." I slowly nod my head, "good."

I slowly get my phone out of my purse  with shaky hands, handing it over to him. "lets go." He grabs my wrist tightly, pulling me towards a blacked out car. I try my best to pull away and I might regret this. "Help! Please help me!" I scream Into the parking lot hoping someone would hear me. "Shut up bitch!" he snarls before I feel something prick my neck, and everything goes black.


"Find him, or I swear to Satan every single one of you fuckers that were responsible for guarding him will die" I bark at my men after having them all gather. 20 guards. 20! and not a single person knows how he got out, or where he went. "The footage has been tampered with D, exactly 3 minutes were deleted." Anger rises in me as Ryan speaks. "We have a goddamn mole." i grit.

"we'll find him"Luca reassures me. "And when we do, I want his head on a fucking stick." I storm out the warehouse getting into my car. My phone rings, and I peek at the name. "What Jayden?" I grumble as I answer. "Is Zaria with you?" His question catches me off guard. "Why would she be with me?"

"I called her, maybe an hour ago and asked her to meet me at the cafe. She never showed up. I wanted her to meet my- our mom" "Did you call her?" I question. "Her phone is off." That isn't like her. "Did you check the dorms? Queen?"

"I called Queen, she hasn't seen her since earlier. fuck. "Go see if she's at the dorm I will call you back." I hang up, getting out the car and rushing back into the warehouse.

"Ryan!" my voice booms across the warehouse. a few men jump, others freeze in their spot. Ryan shuffles towards me with Luca shortly behind. "I need you to track Zaria's phone. now. I want an address in 5 minutes. Luca, go to the cafe and get the security footage. send it to me once you have it."

"Yes boss, is everything ok?" "No. Zaria is missing." I turn, and leave the warehouse.

                         . . .

"Fuck!" Jayden punches the wall, trying to let some of his anger out as we watch over the footage. Aaron. Aaron fucking has her. " Her car is still at the cafe too." Luca adds in. "If I hadn't asked her to come none of this would've fucking happened."

"Theres a mole." I mutter "what?" his head snaps in my direction. "there's a mole, the footage at the warehouse was deleted when Aaron escaped. He had help.We need to keep this between us for now."

"Ryan, do you have an address?" please. "Her phone was dumped, I only have the last time a cell tower picked it up. there are a few abandoned buildings near. they're about 2 hours out." "How many buildings? "26."

"Son of a bitch." I mutter. "Luca, Ryan, go get the car loaded up. we're leaving in the morning". "In the morning?! fuck that!" Jayden shoves me back. Im going to give him that, its his sister.

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