Chapter 18- the Deal

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"No screw ups. Are we clear?" I ask as I finish telling my men the plan. "Yes boss." They all respond.

"Good, let's get moving." I spot Jayden and Luca talking on the other side of the warehouse and make my way towards them. Me and Jayden haven't talked since we were in the ring the other day.


"You ditched the meeting for someone you don't even fucking know." I say as I swing at him. He swiftly dodges and returns a swing of his own hitting me in the face.

"Maybe because I actually have feelings. You, on the other hand are the same selfish bastard you've always been D." Jayden responds landing another hit.

Whenever me and Jayden argue, our way of solving it is in the ring. We fight until the problem is solved.
"You've known her for what? A month. And she's already got you wrapped around her little finger."

I swing and hit him in the ribs. He takes a deep breath but remains on his feet.

"Yea D, you're right. And instead of being an asshole to her like you have, I chose to be nice." He sends a killer right hook hitting me in the jaw.

I stumble back while trying to keep my balance. I hear the velcro straps on his gloves being undone as he tosses his gloves on the mat.

"I'm not doing this. You hear me? I'm not. Get your shit together D. You're my bestfriend which means it's my job to tell you when you're wrong." He says as he exits the ring. Leaving me lost for words. 


"You boys ready?" I say as I reach them. "Of course." Luca responds. My gaze shift to Jayden as he gives a stiff nod before walking off.

"What did you do?" Luca speaks. I shake off whatever thoughts I might've slightly had.

"I didn't do anything. Jayden is just bitching. Let's go, we have places to be." With that, I fix my suit coat, and head out the warehouse.


Once we reach the club, I quickly assign my men at their post. As Jayden, Luca, and I enter, we all split our different ways. Luca goes to make sure the men are in place, Jayden goes to clear the meeting room and I wait for Luke to show his face.

A little time passes, and I make my way towards the bar. As I approach, I hear a bit of a commotion.

"I'm ok really, thank you." " oh come on pretty lady, just a dance... and maybe we can go somewhere after?" "Please let go.." That statement grabs my attention the most.

As I get closer, I see an oddly familiar face. Zaria. She's wearing a jean mini skirt along with a low V cut crop top.


I watch the two a moment longer until the man reaches for Ria's wrist and begins pulling her. "Let go you prick! That hurts !"

And that's all it takes for me to quickly make my way over to the two. I grab the man's arm and tug it off of Ria's wrist "Don't fucking grab her like that. If I see you grab her again, I'll cut off your fucking hand. Are we clear?" I glare into the man's eyes while sliding Ria behind me.

"She's playing hard to get man, if you're doing this to get laid you might as well give up. The bitch is stuck up." The drunk man says. Stumbling over some of his words. I grip the collar of his shirt and push him against the wall.

"Don't. Call her that. Now leave. I don't want your pathetic ass in my club anymore." With that, I shove him towards security and turn to face Ria.

"I told you not to come here didn't I? This isn't a place for someone like you princess." I grumble "I can handle myself." " Sure you can. Can we talk?" I nudge hoping she said yes. I don't give a fuck how she feels, I need to fix shit with Jayden.

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