Chapter 25-Project

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POV changes are marked with ❗️. Please pay attention!



"Have you... told anyone?" Queen asked handing me back my phone. I decided to tell her about the pictures... I received more. This time of me sitting in the park near campus.At first I thought it was someone playing around. But I think- I think it might be him.

"No, I haven't. I- I don't want to overreact you know?" "Girl overreact?! Someone is sending you pictures! That's stalking." Queen says pointing to my phone once more.

"Queen if it's him-" "if it's him Z, we will handle it. We also do don't we?" I nod and slightly smile at her statement.

Queen was one of the few people to know about my ex... he was- toxic. To say the least. He was controlling.... And me being the weakling I was, I let him control me. It was only when he turned physical I broke it off.

He didn't handle it well. I blocked him on everything, and he would constantly show up at my house, follow me around school... the whole 9 yards.

"Now, can we go get something to eat? I'm starving." Queen says popping up from her chair. I laugh lightly before joining her. We make our way to the cafeteria and I feel someone grab onto my arm. "Zaria-" I turn to see Carter smiling at me.

Over the last few weeks, we've been talking more. I've... forgiven him for the most part. Plus, he's my partner for a project so I can't really ignore him. "I'll catch up with you Q, save me a seat." I smile at her before turning back to Carter who is still holding my arm.

"Could you let go?" As if something finally snaps in his head, he lets go and takes a step back. "Sorry... I just uh, wanted to talk to you."

"About?" I question. "The project.... My dorm is a mess and I was wondering if we could work on it at yours... tonight?" "Fine. I have to go though, I'll see you in class." I turn on my heel and go to find Queen. Her and Zoe are sitting in our regular spot.

"What did he want?" She ask as i sit. "Asked about working on the project, that's all." "Nothing else?" Zoe butts in. "Um, no? should there be something else?" I question.

"No.. just curious on why he hasn't stopped looking at you since you sat down." Queen points in the direction of a table and I follow. Carter's eyes meet mine, and he swiftly looks away.

"Weird." I say as I shrug and turn back around. "Forgive that man, you guys could be the perfect little chocolate vanilla swirl." Queen says and Zoe laughs. "Will you stop? I don't want any vanilla in my life. No offense Zoe." We all laugh as we continue to eat.


"Still good to work on the project?" Carter ask catching me coming out the door. "Mhm." I respond reaching for my phone. "Could I.. come over now? He ask hesitantly. "Sure, why not?" I begin walking to my dorm as he follows.

Once we reach the door, I hear voices as I turn the handle. "Ah, ZZ!" Jayden shouts making his way to me and hugging me. "Hi Jayden, ok let go. Come on Carter."

"Carter?" Jayden's face scrunches up as he looks behind me. "The fuck is he doing here?" Dante snaps standing from the couch. "Good question." Jayden follows.

"We have a project to work on, so excuse us." I grab Carter's' hand and lead him to my room. I go to shut the door but a foot stops me. "I'll be dammed if you're in here with this motherfucker with the door closed." Jayden says pushing the door open. I roll my eyes at him before turning to Carter. "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back."

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