Chapter 4 - Forever Fall Field Trip, scouting, and trapped

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—[Sean Pov]—

We walk threw the Forest of Forever Fall Red Tree's around us as we walk.

"Yes students the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed Beautiful but we are not here to sight see Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect Samples from the Tree's Deep inside this Forest and I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so". Ms GoodWitch stops walking which makes us all stop except Jaune who accidentally bumps into Cardin. Cardin turns to Jaune annoyed so I just Glare back at him making Him glare at me instead.

"Each of you is to gather 1 Jars Worth of Red Sap. However this Forest is full of the creatures of Grimm so be sure to stay by your team mates and we'll rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock have fun" Ms GoodWitch says to us all as I look at the Jar in my hand.

Item: Glass Jar
Item Class: E
Type: Jar
Atk: 5

'When did things have a Description? Eh I'll figure it out later' I start walking into the Forest with out everyone else. "Sean where are you going?" Ruby says following me as I stop in surprise.

"I'm better on my own remember" I say as I look back at her over my shoulder. "Sean we are supposed to stick together as a Team remember" Ruby says in a slightly upset tone.

"I know but-" "No but's! Your sticking with us" Weiss appears out of nowhere as she drags me along by the arm over to the others. "Cmon Weiss I have legs you know!" I say annoyed yet not trying to get out of her grip.

"How do I know you're not just gonna run when I let you go?" She says annoyed as she keeps dragging me along. "Because I have no where to go you act like I can just run off to beacon or something." She stops for a second and then lets me go.

"Fine" she storms off as I sigh and rub my arm where she held it. "Why did that actually hurt" I start walking after her as the others follow us.

"Those 2 definitely have sort of romantic tension going on" "Yang what's your idea of Romantic Tension?" Blake asks as she and Yang walk in the back of the group were in.

"I can feel it and it's subtle but Obvious with Weiss I don't think Sean has caught on yet though" Yang says her Arms behind her head. "What do you Mean? Sean just is nice and helps us a lot so Weiss thinks she has to repay him and stuff even if he says not to" Blake says sounding confused as she walks along side Yang.

"That may be True but haven't you noticed how Weiss is always Flirting with Sean and constantly trying to be around him" Yang says looking at Weiss who is no longer storming away just walking.

"Have you ever thought that Weiss is just being nice" "Seriously Weiss?" "... I see your point" Blake says with a sigh as they keep walking.


"Cardin What's going on?" Jaune turns to Cardin a little panicked in his voice as they lay on a Hill over looking the Group the others traveled in.

"Payback" Cardins eyes narrow as he says this determination and Venom evident in his voice as he stares at a certain person.

"Sean?" Jaune says as he look at Me slightly suprised. "Simple minded Prick thinks he is so much better than everyone else" Cardin reaches back and pulls out a box.

"Alright boys last night old Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of Rapier Wasps and now we're gonna put em to work" Cardin grins maniacally as Jaune is pat on the back while he laughs sheepishly.

—{Back to Sean}—

"Alright that should be enough" I Say as I close the jar of Sap and stand up. "I won't do it!" I hear comments on and look up the hill and see Jaune and Cardin arguing.

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