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Jimin sat alone in a cozy cafe, seeking solace in the rhythmic pattern of rain against the window.

It had been a terrible day, filled with endless frustrations and disappointments. He longed for a moment of peace, hoping to find solace within the pages of the book he held in his hands.

Just as he began to immerse himself in the fictional world, his phone buzzed, shattering the tranquility he sought.

Annoyed, he answered the call, only to be met with the voice of his creepy boss, "Jimin, hello sweetheart,"

Jimin lightly cringed but cleared his throat, "Good evening, Mr. Wong, was there something you needed?"

"Why so formal? We're friends, aren't we? You can say my name, sweetheart,"

Jimin rolled his eyes and cursed the day he ever decided to take this horrendous job, "My apologies, Mr. Won- uhh Jungsoo, now was there anything you needed?" Jimin asks sounding more impatient.

"Yes. I'm still waiting on that email you said you were going to send me,"

Jimin's eyes widen for a brief moment, "Right, my apologies, again. I'll do that right away,"

Before his boss could respond, he ended the call. He let out a heavy sigh, his frustration mounting.

He gathered his belongings, book in hand, he slowly scooted out of the booth and standing up, unaware of the body approaching him he turned only to crash into someone harshly.

Their collision was inevitable, and Jimin's coffee flew from his hand, drenching both of them in a cascading mess.

Gasping in surprise, Jimin's eyes widened as he watched his beloved book become soaked in the stranger's drink.

Panic and embarrassment washed over him, and he stammered an apology, his voice laced with genuine remorse. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!"

The stranger, his features obscured by the chaos of the moment, also apologized profusely, his voice filled with sincerity. "No, it's completely my fault, I'm sorry,"

The stranger bent down to grab the book, oblivious to Jimin doing the same causing their heads to dump, they hissed in pain as they pulled away holding their foreheads.

Suddenly, their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still, Jimin sat frozen, lost in the dark brown eyes sparkling back at him. The stranger was very handsome, with smooth skin, pink lips, and doe eyes.

An inexplicable connection sparked between them. It was as if their souls recognized each other amidst the chaos.

"I'm so sorry, for your book," the stranger suddenly said, his eyes filled with regret.

Jimin's heart fluttered, captivated by the stranger's earnestness. "No, I should be the one apologizing for spilling coffee on you," he replied, his voice softening.

Jimin awkwardly smiled and picked up his wet book, "I can pay for that, I'm so sorry," the stranger insisted.

Jimin laughed and shook him off, "It's fine, you should be worrying about your suit, which I completely ruined," he said staring down at the perfect black suit that now had brown coffee all over it.

The stranger shrugged, "I have dozens, I'll survive," he said, they shared a quick laugh and something in the stranger awoke hearing the beautiful sound escape this beautiful person.

Their eyes met again, except this time it felt familiar, the stranger found himself smiling, and suddenly, he reached out his hand, "I'm Jungkook,"

Jungkook. It was a simple name, but it resonated within Jimin, a harmonious note in the symphony of their unexpected encounter.

Jimin smiled, "Park Jimin,"

As they shook hands, their fingers brushed against each other, sending an electric jolt through their bodies. They exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes reflecting the unspoken connection that had woven itself between them.

"It's nice to meet you, Jimin. And again I'm very sorry," Jungkook apologized.
Jimin almost squealed at how perfect his name sounded coming out of Jungkook's mouth.

"It's nice to meet you too, and I think we've made it clear we're both apologetic," Jimin said, Jungkook laughed and felt his face warming up a bit. He couldn't get over how beautiful this person in front of him was.

As Jungkook blushed he nervously scratched the back of his neck. Jimin now stood nervously, a strong urge in him begging for something to happen.

"Uhh, well, I'm sorry again, Jimin,"
Jungkook chuckled. The conversation now turns awkward. Jimin felt himself grow disappointed. Wanting to talk with this totally perfect stranger more.

Jimin nodded his head, "I guess I'll see you around, Jungkook," he smiled and swiftly walked to the door, fighting everything in him to not turn around.

"Wait, Jimin!"

Jimin's heart jumped as he immediately turned around, his eyes locking with the same, already familiar eyes.

"U-Umm, this is gonna sound weird, and definitely way too forward...."Jungkook said nervously, once again scratching his neck, "But..umm..would you like to go out sometime?"

Jimin eyes widen at the question, and blood rushes to his face as he bit his lip to hold back a huge smile.

Jungkook nervously chuckled, "I don't mean to assume anything. It's just, you're really beautiful, and I have a fear that if we walk away now we'll never see each other again...that's cheesy I know,"

Jimin laughed loudly but covered his mouth. At that moment, he realized that perhaps this unexpected collision was a stroke of fate, a chance encounter that held the promise of something beautiful amidst the ruins of his bad day.

Jimin slowly uncovered his mouth, sweetly smiling, "Okay. I would love that, Jungkook."

And as they stood there, coffee stains and wet pages forgotten, they both felt a glimmer of hope, ready to embark on a journey they never anticipated.

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Promise ~ Jikook FLUFFY one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now