Chapter 4: Success

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After combat training, we were given the rest of the day to relax. I went straight to my bunk after dinner to relax before lights out. It wasn't long before my cabinmates all came in, each of them talking about something random. I mostly ignored it all but something caught my attention.

Eren: Guys come on, can't you offer any advice at all?

Conny: Sorry, there's not a trick to it. I'd help if I could but I don't know what to tell you.

Eren: Jean?

Jean: Can't help you Eren, though if you want advice, why don't you ask Reiner and Bertholdt? I hear they passed with perfect scores.

Eren: Right, thanks.

Jean: Sure thing.

I listened as Eren and Armin both headed over to the bunk shared by the two cadets that Jean had mentioned. I'd seen them training before and they were no laughing matter. It was almost like they knew more than they let on.

Jean: Yo, Y/n.

 Y/n: What do you want?

Jean: Arent you gonna help your brother? Everyone can see how important passing the ODM test is to him.

Y/n: If I help him would he be passing it? He needs to learn how to do things on his own.

Jean: Seriously? Why do you have to be so cruel?

Y/n: If you think that's cruel then you're more of an idiot than I took you for. If he's as serious about this as he says he is then he'll figure something out on his own.

I turned over in my bunk and stared at the wall. I meant what I said to Jean but some small part of me wanted to help Eren. What he lacked in talent, he more than made up for in drive and perseverance. Whether I helped him or not I knew he would succeed tomorrow.


I woke up to footsteps and at first thought someone had broken into the bunkhouse, but upon opening my eyes I saw four people sneaking out. I waited for them to leave before I stealthily climbed out of my bunk and went after them. Before I left I grabbed my issued cloak and snapped it in place around my neck. Throwing the hood up, I stalked them as they walked through camp as quietly as could be. They had a lantern with them allowing me to see who they were. To my surprise, it was none other than Eren, Armin, Reiner, and Bertholdt.

Y/n(in mind): What are you guys doing?

As I slunk through the woods at a distance, I began to hear them speak.

Reiner: Why are you so desperate to pass? Joining the scouts is a death sentence.

Eren: I just want to be closer to my brother. He's the only family I have left.

Bertholdt: What about Armin and Mikasa?

Eren: Sure, but they're not my blood family.

Armin: I understand what you mean Eren. I get why you want to be close to Y/n.

Reiner: Why is that? No offense Eren, but Y/n has been kind of a jerk to everyone since initiation.

Eren: I know and I'm sorry for that, but he just has his way of dealing with things. Even though it's been four years since the fall, he still hasn't gotten over losing our mom. It's affected him in a different way than it has me or Mikasa. We've accepted it but in Y/n's case, it seems like he thinks avenging her will bring her back somehow. He says he wants to slaughter every Titan but I think what he wants is for someone to tell him that he doesn't need to pursue revenge. Someone to tell him it's okay and that he doesn't need to fight.

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