CHAPTER 5 - Meeting The Group

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Y/N couldn't believe her bad luck. She had been hoping for a fresh start at this new school, but now it seemed like fate was determined to keep her tied to these two boys. As they walked out of the office together, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over her.

How was she going to survive with these two constantly by her side?

'This situation feels like too much of a coincidence. Out of all the possibilities, why did it have to be me... And why him, specifically?' Y/N wondered, looking over at Aiden who was standing next to Ben, a tall guy she didn't have much of a problem with. Suddenly, she felt a strong urge to do something that could lead to conflict, but she chose to calm herself by humming a tune, one of her favorites that her mother used to sing.

The sound reverberated through the empty room, filling the silence with a sense of peace and contentment. Y/N closed their eyes, letting the melody wash over them like a warm embrace. It was a simple tune, but it held so much emotion and meaning for them. As they hummed, they felt a weight lift off their shoulders, as if all their worries and fears were being carried away on the notes of the song. In that moment, Y/N felt truly at peace, lost in the music and lost in themselves. And for that brief moment, everything was perfect.

Ben appeared to really enjoy this. He had a strong passion for singing, whether it was humming or actually singing, he just loved music in general. Although Y/N was unaware of his musical past, hearing her sing this soothing melody made him smile, even though it seemed a bit sad.

The blonde boy standing next to him heard the soothing tone as well and found its rhythm calming. After a few minutes of silence as they tried to navigate to their first class, which was Room 201. They began walking towards class. Luckily, Aiden remained quiet the whole time, which made Y/N feel more comfortable. However, a few minutes later, he started talking about random topics.

Y/N frowned and thought, 'Can he just please stay quiet? Okay, to the god of wishes, or whoever is listening to these prayers, I beg of you, pretty please, just listen to my one prayer and don't make me sit next to Aiden. Hopefully, we don't have assigned seats.'

The group arrived at class and happened to run into the same redhead they had seen before. Aiden turned his head and saw her, smiling brightly at her. His day seemed to instantly improve at the sight of her. The redhead was shocked to see the group and quickly covered her face with her hand in an attempt to hide, but it was too late - they had already spotted her.

Y/N sighed in defeat, feeling like her life was mostly planned out by some higher power to make it miserable. 'There is no god... my life is cursed,' she thought to herself. With this realization, she sighed once again disappointedly and lowered her head slightly.

"Sorry, I'm late everyone. These are three new students to this school, so make sure to give them a warm welcome." The teacher, who had brunette hair and glasses, said as he introduced us to the class. "You guys can take a seat as well."

They all looked for a seat, and Y/N noticed one near the front by the window, which had a nice view. However, it was also behind a familiar ginger-haired girl. Y/N decided to sit there, while the redhead girl didn't turn around or talk to anyone. The two boys, Aiden and Ben, also found seats. Aiden sat in the front row in the center, and Ben sat in the second row, right next to Y/N.

'It's great that I'm not sitting right next to Aiden.' Y/N observed as Ben sat down. She thought to herself, 'Maybe there is a god,' as she stared blankly ahead while the teacher announced that they would be introducing themselves in alphabetical order.

"When it's your turn, state your first and last name and say something about yourself. As an example, I'll start." The teacher grabbed a marker and wrote his name on the board. He said, "My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class. I look forward to being with you all."

A/N: I realized that they had the seating in alphabetical order, but we'll change that, so the seating doesn't matter. So if your name starts with whatever initial you use, that's when you do your thing. Your name is Y/N for a reason.

Y/N introduced herself at one point. She said, "Um...I'm Y/N L/N. I enjoy drawing and listening to music." Her introduction was brief because she prefers not to share too much about herself. She wanted to keep it short and simple.

After the introduction, Mr. Thomas informed the class that they would be working on a project that required six people. The problem was that the number of students in each group was perfect, except for one student who was left without a group - Y/N. To solve this issue, Mr. Thomas decided to add Y/N to Ashlyn's group. Aiden looked at Y/N, who was hiding her face behind a paper on the desk. Aiden was happy to have his two favorite people in the same group.

"Our main focus this semester will be the history of Georgia's oldest city, Savannah. This is also what your project will be about and the topics you'll choose to present on are stated in your rubric. Additionally, there is an overnight field trip to follow along with the project!" The teacher provided an explanation and further details about this exciting opportunity.

Mr. Thomas' words excited some of the students, causing cheers to fill the room. Y/N had to cover her ears because of all the noise in the room.

'An overnight trip, huh.' She wasn't as excited about the overnight field trip as the others. Her thoughts drifted back to the conversation she had with her dad that morning, where he advised her to make friends.

"Of course it's optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade. If you're interested, the permission slips are on my desk and include everything you'll need to know." He gestured towards his desk to indicate where they were located. "For the rest of the period, please choose what topic your group would like to present on. You've got twenty-five minutes so spend them wisely."

In the group Y/N was in, they worked on the project until the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Before leaving, they exchanged phone numbers, which was necessary for the group. Even though Y/N was feeling a bit spaced out, she still tried to contribute ideas to the group, even though she felt a bit clueless.

"Don't forget to sign the slips and bring them back on Monday."

Y/N sighed as she packed her belongings. She noticed some other students casually picking up the slip without much concern, caught up in the excitement of the moment. Glancing at her phone, she saw new numbers in her contacts for her classmates Ben, Aiden, Ashlyn, Taylor, Tyler, and Logan.

"Let's hope this goes well." She set her phone aside and approached the desk, gazing at the paper with uncertainty. As she studied the paper, she felt hesitant. Despite her reluctance, she couldn't resist the strange urge to take one, so she reluctantly picked up the slip.

She began walking towards the exit, still looking at the paper and reading what was written on it. As she reached the doorway, she heard Aiden's voice approaching, so she quickly moved to hide against the wall, causing him to change his focus.

"You aren't gonna go on the field trip?" Aiden held one of the slips in his hand and asked the redhead.

"I'd rather stay home," Ashlyn said as she walked out, not giving it a second thought.

As Ashlyn walked away from the doorway, she almost bumped into someone, who turned out to be Y/N. She quickly said sorry and looked up to see the familiar girl she had seen earlier staring at her with a confused look. Ashlyn was surprised to see someone there and quickly left to avoid any more awkwardness. Y/N watched as Ashlyn hurried away, but didn't think much of the encounter.

The girl was about to leave when she noticed something in the classroom. Aiden was picking up a slip of paper carefully, but casually. They made eye contact and both seemed surprised. The girl quickly left, avoiding any social interaction.

[Yeah, sorry for the wait, my motivation is very low, and my confidence it's still as low as always, but I'm getting there😭😁]

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