CHAPTER 41 - Fondness

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Y/N was completely bewildered. She had to blink several times to understand what she was seeing, taking a few steps back because it seemed too unbelievable to be real.

However, the reality soon sank in, and she realized that it was indeed real.

Seeing the man standing in front of her made her angry. She tried to hide it, but she was clearly annoyed and furious. This was not how Y/N wanted her day to go. Her face was scrunched up as she looked at the man who had once given her hope of a happy family, before abandoning her and her father. She didn't understand why he never called, came back, or visited. What bothered her even more was his absence. He wasn't there during the funeral, leaving Y/N to cope with the grief, guilt, loss, and all her inner thoughts.

She would have had a mental breakdown if not for her dad. They lost so much and had to do everything mostly on their own.

Where was her second biological father when she needed him?

Drake looked away from the girl's father and saw Y/N standing behind him with her head down and hands clenched. He could tell she was upset. Drake softly called out her name, wanting to go to her, but he held back to respect her feelings and understand the emotions she was going through.

Y/N was unsure of what to do in this moment. She wanted to scream, rant about many things. A small part of her was happy he was back, but everything she had been through without him made her doubt that. No words could fully describe Y/N's character. Her emotions were boiling up, with different thoughts on each one she had to handle.

Despite thinking about it, she preferred to express her emotions verbally. If only she could express her feelings with just one word, but no words could capture it all. It was only through feelings that her emotions could be described. The thoughts of her past stress and worries vanished the moment she laid eyes on this man. Not her problems, not school, not the phantom world - just the present moment. It wasn't even the least of her worries; it was an everlasting moment she never thought would come true.

Y/N had never imagined how they would meet again. This thought had crossed her mind before, but certainly not like this. With her current worries, stress, and problems, this certainty added to that. It took all her willpower to resist the urge to slap him, even though her heart told her she deserved to. She didn't listen, even though it was tempting. That thought was running through her mind the moment she saw him. The tension seemed to grow as Y/N's continuing emotions reached their peak.

"Y/N, please listen. I am truly sorry. I understand that you are very hurt right now, and I can almost imagine the emotions you have been holding onto for years. Your father has informed me-"

The girl's eyes widened in shock, interrupting him before he could finish his sentence. "YOU KNEW!" she exclaimed loudly, possibly loud enough for her grandparents to hear. "You've been in contact with him and you didn't tell me? Why? Why did you hide this?" she asked, turning to D/N.

Her dad was a little speechless and shocked by her outburst, but also felt ashamed for wanting to keep it a secret. Despite this, he had his own reasons, some of which may be clear to her, but there were also other reasons at play.

Y/N suddenly realized her outburst and stammered, "I-I'm sorry." Her hands were trembling at her sides, but eventually they relaxed.

A secret like this would definitely affect her more than what she is hiding from them now. If not for the phantom world. If not for that.

However, Y/N knows she can't speak openly about her experiences because she knows no one would believe her, due to a past experience.

Just think about her situation. She can't just come out and say that she's also hiding the fact that she's in a parallel reality where she's constantly running from beings who want to kill her every night.

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