CHAPTER 19 - Phantom

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"Okay Y/N, do you mind explaining it one more time so I can get a better picture of the scenario." Tirana had out her pen ready, clicking the top of her pen against the clipboard, signaling that she's about to jot down some important information.

Y/N, feeling a bit nervous, takes a deep breath as she prepares to explain the situation once again. She knows she needs to make sure her explanation is clear this time. "Okay…"

Since Savannah, what happened has been recurring every night

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Since Savannah, what happened has been recurring every night. At 12 am sky turns red, the world becomes lifeless and mute, and shadow-like monsters start to roam around.

Because Ashlyn- A classmate of mine- originally thought the sound they made were phantom noises, we decided to call the creature-[Phantoms.]

We've figured out a few things during the past couple weeks of this happening. For seven hours, we're stuck here. Even though time is moving here, time is stopped at 12 am in our world.

This place seems to be influenced by our world, but doesn't physically influence ours. Injuries that happen here can be felt but not shown in our world and vice-versa.


We always return where we left off in each world.

Y/N groaned at the dizziness, but upon realizing the feeling in her voice had once again returned as the soreness ached in her throat she let out a small cough

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Y/N groaned at the dizziness, but upon realizing the feeling in her voice had once again returned as the soreness ached in her throat she let out a small cough. Looking around she realized they were back to where they were before coming back to reality. It was seen that they were at the back of the bus with the same clothes and a couple of small bruises on their bodies as yesterday with the phantom almost catching them. She jolted awake as she then remembered Ashlyn's warning.

Just then Ashlyn's voice was heard as Y/N turned her head she witnessed her pushing Aiden's face away while placing her finger on her lip as she whispered, "Duck!"

As she said this they all took cover by crouching down on the ground slightly. "Still here?" Tyler whispered.

Ashlyn was seen nodding her head.

"What do we do?" Taylor asked worriedly as she looked at Ashlyn for an answer. Seeing the redhead in thought made her eager for something.

"We'll have to try and kill."

"How are we going to do that?" Tyler asked as he seemed to be curious about this plan.

"We could have Logan shoot it through the window?" Aiden suggested while looking directly at the nervous brunette.

Easily, Y/N quickly shut down that idea, "I'm not quite sure about that idea. What happens if he misses since it would be practically his first time using it, and even if he does manage to it might only attract more phantoms which wouldn't that be dangerous? Though we all know we can't risk that." She lightly cleared her throat as she then went on to continue, "Considering if we do, this might be our first time killing one." Her point struck the group as they realized that she was right.

Ashlyn nodded at her comment. "Y/N is entirely right," Turning her head she replied to Aiden suggestion. "Like Y/N said it's dangerous- and no, the gun is for emergencies only."

"This is an emergency!" Tyler exclaimed while still trying to maintain a whisper.

"An emergency is a swarm or one of us is about to die." Ashlyn retorted, though not quite in a whisper. "We don't have many bullets, so we need to try and kill it with our weapons first and have Logan as our backup." She stopped when her phantom senses started picking up noises of a phantom coming. Surprised, a small gasp left her lips she then went to silence him as she placed her finger on her lips, "Shh."

Some of them started at her with confusion, yet also with worry since they had a feeling what was to come. 'It's getting closer, did it hear us?!' The nervous redhead thought, quickly but still in a whisper tone she said to the group: "Hide under the seats." She pointed to the seat beside her.

The group quickly hid under different seats without question. Y/N and Ashlyn hid under the same seat, Ben by himself, Logan and Aiden, and Tyler and Taylor–the twins. After a while of silence, footsteps were heard entering the bus. They shushed their breath knowing it was the phantom as it passed by each of their seats.

Looking from a distance Y/N glanced at Ashlyn and caught her staring at the weapons. Ashlyn then attempted to start crawling quietly to the box of weapons, but her knee suddenly scraped against the floor. Y/N and Ashlyn flinched, panicking they both turned their heads to Ashlyn's knee. 

"Did the phantom hear–" Ashlyn asked herself while Y/N was beside her hearing her question.

'Pretty sure it would have... But-' Y/N thought, but hoped not. However, after turning her head forward, she froze instantly. 

There lies in front of her is the phantom, its body twisted in many areas as they both made eye contact. Her eyes widened at the sight as they both maintained direct contact, making her speechless and almost making her forget her breathing as she saw the phantom staring at her. 

"A-A-Ash..." Y/N stuttered, "It-It's right in front of us." She whispered.

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