Chapter 5: Mended Bonds

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After Eren's successful test, we were told that there would be some time before the ODM gear would be ready for us to use, so we were given free time. I slipped out of camp and went to my spot on the cliff. The pain in my hands had long since gone, so I undid the bandages and to my surprise, they were completely healed.


I jerked my head around, half expecting that an animal had made the sound, but it was only Eren and Mikasa. Sensing that they'd followed me, I turned my attention back to the forest below.

Y/n: What are you guys doing here?

Eren: There are things we want to say to you. I know you don't want to hear it, but please, listen just this once.

Y/n: Make it quick.

Mikasa: Y/n, your lone wolf personality is no secret, but we're worried that if you join the scouts by yourself then you'll be just as reckless as always and end up dying.

Y/n: I've told you before, I don't need protecting.

Eren: Would you stop trying to act all cool and untouchable? This facade you've got going on isn't doing you any favors.

Y/n: And what exactly do you think I'm doing Eren? Enlighten me.

Eren: We know Mom's death hit you harder than it did us, that's no secret. We've accepted it and moved on but you haven't. You're joining the scouts to avenge her, right?

Y/n: So what if I am?

Eren: What will you do once that happens?

Y/n: I'll do what I've always planned to do. I will fight for our freedom from these demons even if it kills me. Nothing you say will dissuade me from this course.

Mikasa: Why do you want revenge so badly?

Y/n: Because they took everything from us! Our homes, our freedom, everything! I want to show them that humanity will be the one to send them back to hell. I want them to know fear in their last moments. I want the last thing they see to be the fire within us. That's why I want to join the scouts.

Eren: Thinking like that will only lead to your downfall. Please Y/n, don't do this.

Y/n: It's too late, I've already decided. But it's not too late for you two.

Mikasa: I swore to always be by your side and that hasn't changed. Whether you need me to protect you or not doesn't matter. You saved my life all those years ago and I swore to your mother that I would look out for you. She made me promise her that I would always be by your side. She was worried about this exact thing happening. So you're right, you can't stop us.

Y/n: Then what was the point of following me today?

Mikasa: Because we care about you. When I lost my parents your family took me in and treated me like one of your own. You and I used to be so close when we were younger. I just want that closeness we shared to come back.

Y/n:  I want to believe you but I can't. I can't find peace until I get revenge and make all this suffering worth it. The Y/n you once knew is gone. I have nothing left but my hate.

The way both of them were staring into my eyes said they pitied me. Eren was right when he said that our mom's death hit me the hardest. It changed me and turned me into something else entirely. I wasn't the boy who sought only freedom anymore, I was a man who sought to witness the suffering of my enemies.

Mikasa: That isn't true. You still have us.

Y/n: You do not understand, I have to do this.

Mikasa: No you don't. Getting revenge for your mom won't satisfy you, only make the burden you carry worse.

Eren: We hate seeing you like this Y/n. You're suffering just like we all are, but you hold it in and act like everything is fine, but in reality, we know it isn't. No matter how much you keep telling yourself that, we know the truth. The pain of losing mom is tearing you up inside. Why can't you just admit it?

Mikasa: We want to help you overcome this. Will you let us help you?

Y/n(sighs): You just won't take no for an answer, will you?

She came up and hugged me tightly. I hadn't been expecting it so it was a shock, but it wasn't unwelcome. I wrapped my arms around her and reciprocated the gesture. I felt her heartbeat because of how close we were. Our current position made me realize something. I would do anything to see her happy again, but I would not let their words dissuade me from my ideals, despite what I had heard Eren say the night before. I wasn't going to stop now that I was so close, but I could make things right between us while there was still time.

Y/n: I'm sorry for being such an ass these last four years Mika. I knew how it hurt you but I didn't care. I realize now that it was wrong. Can you forgive me?

Mikasa gasped at my use of her nickname because I hadn't used it since the day of the fall. She looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

Mikasa: Yes...

She buried her face into my chest as we hugged. I reached up and stroked her hair in response as a genuine smile appeared on my face.

Eren: Geez, admit your feelings for each other already. This tension between you guys has been in limbo for a while now and it's annoying as hell.

Mikasa(flustered): It isn't like that.

Y/n: Get your head out of the gutter.

Eren: Whatever you say, just make sure to invite me to the wedding.

Y/n: As long as you invite me to your funeral.

He looked at me in silence before laughing. I smiled again and put an arm around his shoulder.

Y/n: I missed this.

Eren: Me too.

The three of us headed back to camp together. I also apologized to Armin for how I had treated him the last several years and just like Eren and Mikasa, he forgave me. At long last, our old group was together again.

(Next day)

The next day we all had to suit up in ODM gear to practice on Titan dummies set up in the forest. Everyone was dispatching the dummies with ease while some were just goofing off and treating this as fun. Sasha and Conny were having a competition to see who could take out more dummies first.

Shadis(in mind): They all have varying talents and weaknesses, but Y/n is different. He fights as if he has nothing left to lose, which makes him dangerous and unpredictable.

I flew past everyone and cut the napes of every surrounding Titan dummy in a chain attack. Using my feet to boost off and reach the next target allowed me to conserve my gas and gain more speed as well as momentum. I had dispatched all of the remaining dummies before my fellow cadets even had a chance to try it on their own. Once I was done I flew up to a branch and sat down to rest. I heard the whoos and clink of ODM gear before I was joined by the commandant.

Shadis: That was impressive. Where did you learn how to move like that?

Y/n: I didn't, I just realized that using my feet to gain more momentum would conserve gas so I don't run out as quickly.

Shadis: I see. You know, you could enlist as an officer with skills like that.

Y/n(intrigued): Really?

Shadis: Yes. I haven't seen anyone demonstrate movements like that in all my years. You might just make it in the scouts after all. Keep up the good work cadet.

Y/n: Will do.

He left the branch and ordered everyone back to camp. Once we arrived, we took off all the equipment and were dismissed. Satisfied with our performance, the commandant allowed us to relax for the day. I felt as if everything was finally happening in a good way. I'd patched up my relationships with Eren and Mikasa, Eren had passed his test, and we had finally begun ODM training. But I had no way of knowing just how soon things would change.

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