That night

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!!TW!! - mentions of death, suicide and abuse.


As my school slowly comes into view I start to dread the day that's ahead of me. I hate school. I'm not made for school. This is my 7th school that I have been to because I have been excluded. The cause of this is normally fights or my attitude but I don't care anymore. My mother stopped caring after I got kicked out for the 5th time. I still get a beating but nowhere near as bad as they have been before, it won't be long till I get kicked out of this school.

As I reach my school gates I grip the strap of my backpack and walk in with my eyes looking at the ground as I shuffle into the school halls. If there's one thing you need to know about me is that I don't do eye contact. I never have. I hate making eye contact with people and I always have ever since that night...


"Hello this is St. Mary's hospital is this Mrs. Moore?" I hear someone on my mothers phone speak.

"Yes this is, how may I help you?" My mother replies, putting the phone on speaker and placing it down on the bench to continue making me and my twin sister Evie's tea.

"I am so sorry to inform you Miss but your husband has passed away, he passed away earlier today we're very sorry for your loss" The doctor informs my mother. I look to my left and my sister is as white as a ghost.

"No, no this cannot be true I don't believe you, we didn't get to say goodbye" My mother breaks down into tears nearly screaming at the doctor over the phone.

"Once again I am very sorry for your loss, I wish you and your family the best" The next thing I heard was 3 beeps signalling that the phone call had ended.

Nobody spoke. My mum was sobbing in the kitchen while I had silent tears running down my face and before I knew it my sister was no longer next to me. I thought she needed time to herself, I thought we all did so I slowly ventured off to my own room.


2 hours later

I was in need of some comfort and didn't want to bother my mother as I knew she was taking this hard, So I decided to go and see my twin sister. We had a very close relationship and told each other everything. I knocked on her door and she didn't answer so I slowly opened her door and was horrified at the scene I saw. My twin sister's lifeless body laying on the ground next to her bed with notes laying around her, I tried to scream but I couldn't. Something was stopping me. I was trapped.

After my mother and I had experienced the deaths of two of our loved ones in one day we didn't speak for weeks, my mum fell heavily depressed to the point she couldn't even get out of bed. That's when she found drugs and alcohol. You see before my dad and twin sister died we were all a happy family no fights nothing but ever since that my mums changed she's an alcoholic and a drug addict. I didn't really care what my mum was doing at least she was coping, I thought the alcohol and drugs were helping her, They were helping her just in the wrong way. At first she would never say anything or touch me, just come home extremely drunk and fall asleep on the couch with a beer bottle in her hand until one day she came home and yelled at me and told me that their deaths were all my fault. Little did I know it was only going to escalate from there.

My dad got diagnosed with brain cancer when I was just 7 and he fought so hard for me and my sister until one day when we went to visit him he had been put into a coma. We would go and visit him twice a week but after a while we stopped going as much and only when once every week as there was no point in going to see him if we were just sitting next to his body watching his chest rise and fall for hours. We never got to say goodbye to him as he unexpectedly passed away in his coma. I was only 10 when he and my twin sister Evie passed. Me and my dad were so close to each other, we had an unbreakable bond. He was so special to me as we had the same eyes, I thought I was so special. My dad had heterochromia which I inherited from him. My left eye was a light bright blue while my right eye was a pale green, the same as my dads. Everyone was always obsessed over my eyes and it would always remind me of my dad so I stopped looking at people in the eyes. My dads death hit me hard but nobody knew, I just didn't show it, that shows weakness and I'm not weak.

*flashback end*

I slowly walk to my first class of the day hanging my head low, as I enter my first class of the day which was maths, I walk to the back and sit in my usual seat propping my feet up on the table. Most of the teachers never really bothered with me anymore which I was glad about because I wasn't be bothered to be doing any work. I sat and doodled in my book thinking about the football match we had this weekend, we were versing Leeds United. It was the final, my team being in first place while Leeds where following close behind in second. As it was the final that means it was the last game of the season which would also be my final game before my contract ends. I was sad that my contract was ending at the end of this season as I had made some connections in this team, I wouldn't call them friendships. But I would never quit football though so I would have to speak to my manager about looking at new contracts.

I remember the night my mum came home drunk screaming at me and kicked me in my stomach making me fall to the ground gripping my stomach in pain. That was the night that I realised that I needed to find a way to escape and distract myself from this house. Only a few weeks after that was when I trialled for my school's football team and fell in love with the sport.

I was snapped out of my trance by the bell ringing meaning I had to go to my next class. History. I hated my history teacher with a growing passion, he was a dickhead and he hated me just as much as I hated him.


The next thing I knew it was lunch and I walked outside through the hall doors and past the courtyard to around the side of the school where I sat under a tree. Everybody at the school knew this was my spot and nobody dared to go and sit anywhere near it in fear of what I'd do. I don't know why everyone was so scared of me. Nobody dared to start a conversation with me, they'd all move out of my way in the hallways, nobody ever wanted to be my partner. Everybody feared me but that didn't bother me too much as I enjoyed it being that way.

I sat under the tree and put my headphones on listening to my music as I didn't have any lunch, I never do. Soon enough I see everyone moving to go back inside signalling it was time for class, I stood up grabbing my back and slowly taking my time to head back to class walking in late like usual.

"Why are you late Rylan?" My English teacher announces. I wince at the sound of that name. Yes it's my name but I hate it. I prefer to go by Riley, a lot of trauma is involved in the name Rylan.

"Dunno sir" I reply coldly with a smirk on my face at this point the whole class has turned around to look at me. I dumped my bag next to my desk and seated myself on an empty table at the corner of the room.

The rest of the day flies by with me doing absolutely nothing like normal, I'd gotten into trouble a few times by the teacher but I don't see what I was doing wrong?

I was zoning out, staring at the doodles I'd been doing the whole of class when I snapped out of thoughts and looked up to see everyone leaving, meaning it's the end of the day and I couldn't be more thankful. I grabbed my backpack from the ground and slowly made my way out of the school grounds.


chapter 2 is complete! I'm pretty proud of this chapter and I plan on getting as many chapters as I can out in the next few days. Let me know what you guys are thinking of this story so far.


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