Feelings awakened

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Later that evening, Mona was alone in her bedroom when she heard a soft knock at the door. It was Mr. Kaplan. "Hi Mona." she said, smiling. " I know we met earlier. I go by Mr. Kaplan, but you can call me Kate. I am just here to get your measurements for the dress you are going to wear tonight." Mona nodded, standing in front of her. As she took her measurements, she said, "I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. Just know that we will do everything in our power to keep you safe." "Is it true? What I've heard about Raymond Reddington?" Mona said suddenly. "I've only heard whispers from what my captor has said, but my encounters with him have been nothing but calm and welcoming. Charming, even." Kate's face was serious but she laughed slightly and said "Well like everyone, he has a time and place for his mannerisms. I will tell you that he is genuinely determined to catch your captor and bring him to justice." Mona nodded and smiled at her. "Do you need anything else since I am here?" Kate asked. Mona embraced her and Kate stiffened up, not expecting the hug, but she gently wrapped her arms around her. "Everything will be alright Mona. I am here for you." She touched her cheek with her thumb, making her laugh. " I will be right back with your dress." She left the room, but just as she was about to close the door behind her, Mona heard her say, "Oh excuse me." It was Raymond. "Mona, can I speak to you privately?" "Of course" she said, "please come in" He shut the door behind him and walked over to the chair near the fireplace. As he sat down he said, " I don't want to make things awkward between us because of what took place last night." "Raymond please, I am the one entirely left to blame." Mona said seriously. "I lost control and that was wrong. For that I apologize." She was all business. "I don't want our mission to become compromised or awkward because of what happened. I care about you." Raymond said. She turned to him and saw he was staring right at her, his eyes appearing to plead for her to say something. " I will be forever grateful for you and your team's continued efforts to keep me safe."she said, "I could never be angry at you. I cherish every moment that happened last night. You treated me so kindly and allowed me to have control. I have not had that for some time." She placed a hand on his cheek so that he could look up at her. He stood up so that he could meet her at her eye level. "I meant every word I said from last night. I didn't say that to get something in return from you. I know it will take some time for you to heal, but you are absolutely worthy of everything good this world has to offer you." She took a deep breath and cleared her throat saying, "I should probably start getting ready."

As she started to walk away from him, she said "I feel at peace when I'm with you." Raymond chuckled softly and said "The word peace and my physical presence are hardly things that go together with me with my line of work. I haven't even told you the extent of what I do for a living, the lives I've lived, the lies, the loss. It all blends together in a frantic tornado of madness and deceit. It is maddening, Mona. An endless state of sorrow and tragedy. But with you, it feels like I'm coming home again. To warmth. To love." At the word "love" Mona stood up straight. "I'm not entirely comfortable with that word. That word comes with lies and sadness. That word brings bargaining and something that is owed." "You owe me nothing." Raymond said firmly. " I want to rescue you and give you a good life. The life that was taken from you I want you to reclaim it as your own. You are destined for greatness my dear Mona." " That isn't even my real name." she said sadly. "It's Eleanor." She gasped. "Yes! That's my name." She laughed out loud then tears filled her eyes. She covered her mouth as her body shook with sobs. "That is a beautiful name," Raymond said softly, lifting her head with his fingers under her chin, wiping her tears. She smiled up at him. "My father was a fan of the Beatles if you couldn't tell. We used to sing that song together." "All the lonely people, where do they all come from?" Raymond said, quoting the lyrics from the song. "Well this lonely man has found solitude in your presence." She sat down and placed a hand next to her, motioning for him to join her. "I just want you to sit down. Let me really look at you." He smiled and sat down on the bed, hands clasped together. "What do you see?" he asked. " I see a man who has awakened feelings in me I didn't know existed. I may not know much about you, but I see you. I really and truly see you." As she spoke, she held each one of her hands on either side of his face. As she looked at him, she noticed his eyes were filled with tears. Their faces mere inches apart, Mona moved forward and kissed his lips softly. She pulled back immediately and began apologizing profusely. Instead of pulling away, Raymond placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her close to his face. "You don't ever have to apologize to me. You have been repressed and controlled for God knows how long. Let your true feelings and desires go." Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Mona? It's Kate. May I come in?" Mona was startled, but all Raymond did was smile. He nodded towards the door. Eleanor ran a hand over her head to smooth her hair and opened the door slightly. "I found a couple of options for you. Pick what you like." Eleanor shut the door behind her and joined her in the hallway. "You seem flushed," Kate said, laughing slightly. "Is everything alright?" "Yes I'm fine." she replied. "Thank you for the dresses, but I really should get ready." She hurried back into the room and shut the door behind her. With her back against the door and her eyes closed, she seemed almost relieved. Raymond chuckled and said "Well let's see those dresses." Eleanor laid them out on the bed. There were three, all wrapped in suit garments. Raymond walked over to her and said "I'm sure you would look lovely in any of these." She smiled at him and felt the color rise into her cheeks. She looked at him over her shoulder and cleared her throat. "I'm going to go try these on." She gathered up the dresses and headed to the bathroom. As she shut the door behind her, she looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. What was she thinking? Letting herself get carried away with Raymond Reddington, of all people?

While Eleanor was getting changed, Raymond walked around the room, hands behind his back. His mind was focused, but he couldn't help but let his mind wander to Eleanor. He wasn't the type to get carried away in that manner. Especially with a young woman who clearly had unresolved trauma from what she had been put through. He heard the doorknob turn.

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