Her power

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Once Andreas came to, Raymond was sitting across from him with Dembe standing off to the side. " I expect this is not how you wanted to go up against me," Raymond said. " You've been under my radar as well as the FBI's. But you and I share a connection. Your father caused the death of many good people, including Tom Keen. Now even though I hired him I didn't like the guy at first, but that is a story for a different day." He walked over to her as Andreas stared at him, his glare burning through him. "All this time, you have been plotting, scheming, committing unspeakable crimes to prove yourself in a way. You abused so many girls, training them to be assassins, turning them into sex slaves, like playthings meant to be traded. Well now, you're going to know what it feels like to be put in their position." He came face to face with him saying "I'm going to take great pleasure in watching you suffer." There were the sounds of a struggle behind him. He whipped around and saw Eleanor holding Dembe's gun, her hands shaking. "Raymond, she took it out of my hand. I wasn't fast enough." Raymond held his hand up to tell him to be quiet. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and despite her being battered and bruised, she held her head high. She stood upright and held the gun with both hands. "Eleanor" Dembe said, walking towards her slowly "Put the gun down. Please. The FBI are on their way. They will bring him into custody." "Enough!" she screamed. "For years I suffered at the hands of his man and the men he hired to abuse me. This is me, taking control of my life. Ending my suffering and the suffering of the women I called my sisters." Raymond moved out of the way and let her walk towards Andreas. He stood at her side and said " Now Andreas, a decent man would pry the gun out of her hands and let the right people bring you to justice. Unlucky for you, I am far from a decent man. I am a criminal who, on a good day, lets justice prevail." Andreas stood up and stared Eleanor down. "You think I'm afraid of you. You got me in a room with a man on the FBI's most wanted list. And I still have power over you." He snapped his fingers twice and Eleanor suddenly stood upright. He was using a form of hypnosis to control her. He muttered a word in a language Raymond and Dembe never heard before and Eleanor walked towards Andreas and held his hand. "Yes Master?" She said in a monotonous way. "On your knees" he said, saying another word. She knelt down and cast her face down to the floor. He made a swift motion with his hand and before anything could be done, she grabbed a pocket knife out of his hand and held it to Raymond's neck. Raymond didn't break eye contact with her, but her eyes were lifeless as they stared at him. Andreas was laughing hysterically. "She is my pet, my finest killer." He said, reaching forward and patting her head like a dog. Dembe made the mistake of trying to break her trance by trying to grab her wrists, but he realized too late that she had the upper hand, knocking him to the ground and rendering him unconscious. "If I were you Red, I'd do what she commands. She's under my control." Raymond kneeled down and put both his hands behind his head. Eleanor backed away and looked at Andreas for his next order. Raymond let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. "Scar him" Andreas said, and Eleanor used her fingertips to dig her nails across his neck and chest. Raymond winced in pain as he felt the blood drip down and the heat of the scratches. "Good girl Mona." Andreas said, as she looked over at him. He walked over to her and grabbed her by the neck. She gasped for air and breathed heavily, but didn't struggle. "I own you" he said through gritted teeth. As he released his grip, he handed her his gun. " Finish what you started, my pet." he commanded. Eleanor turned to Raymond. His dark eyes looked up at her, seemingly ready to accept his fate. She slowly raised the gun towards his face. "Any final words, Reddington?" Andreas asked. "Four of them, actually." Raymond answered calmly. "Your name is Eleanor." As if in slow motion, Eleanor was released from her trance. Andreas was angry and went after her, but her quick reflexes kicked in and she knocked him to the ground, causing the wind to be knocked out of his body. In between gasps, Andreas stated, "I'm unarmed but I can easily take you down like the wounded bitch you are, Mona Lisa." At that moment Eleanor pulled the trigger and shot him straight through the heart. He clutched his chest and doubled over. Raymond shot a final bullet into his head, striking him dead.

After Andreas was dead, Eleanor dropped the gun and started to pass out. Raymond caught her in his arms. He held her close as she let her head fall on her shoulder. "It's over Eleanor. The nightmare is over." he said. "I'm sorry Raymond", she said weakly, reaching up and placing a hand on his cheek. Her eyes, once lifeless, were filled with tears and anguish. He placed a hand on the back of her head and held her tightly. The sound of sirens were in the distance as the FBI agents started to surround the place, scoping the place out, rescuing the other young women that were held in different parts of the building. As Samar and Ressler approached Raymond, Eleanor's body went limp. Ressler knelt down next to Raymond and placed a hand on his shoulder. "The police will be here shortly. I promise you, I will make sure she gets the care she needs." he said firmly. Raymond reluctantly carried her body to Reeslers arms, then started to walk away. Dembe followed close behind, rubbing the back of his head. " She really took a lot out of you, didn't she?" Raymond said, trying to make light of the situation. Before he walked out of the back entrance, he looked back briefly towards Reesler. They made eye contact and both nodded in each other's direction, as if in understanding.

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