Part 49

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Allison's POV

It's been just over a week since I went to hogs-made with Rolf and Jace.

School has started back up again and everything's been fine.

I would say good but I have had the question playing in my mind.

Was cheating apart of his task?

I mean if it was then why would Voldemort make him do that, there must have been more to his task.

But that's even if it was for his task, he could've been bored of me. I don't know how saying how entertaining I am.

The new teacher is Horus Slughorn, he's quite a good teacher if I do say so.

His class if really easy and we've had 2 surprise tests in his class and I've scored perfect A's. I'm giving Hermione a hard time.

I think the news has spread of me and mattheo's breakup as everyday boys have asked me out and I'm not getting death threats or rumours made by the girls.

They've been quite nice to me actually, giving me chocolates and making me stuff in an apology kind of way.

It's currently 7am and I do not want to get up, I mean why should i? I have a full day of classes well not exactly I have 2 free periods for some reason not that I'm judging because I am more then happy.

I get up and change into my uniform, ever since we've been back molly has made it her mission to make me as hot as I can possibly be in my uniform.

My skirt is quite short like uncomfortably short, my shirt has 2 or 3 buttons undone and my tie is done loosely.

My socks and shoes are normal even though she did want me to wear black booted heels for my shoes I told her hell would freeze over before I wore them.

I have come to a conclusion that I hate heels, and dresses actually, there has been 1 party since we got back and I went, I wore a cute dress but then I had boys cat calling me all night making me uncomfortable. And heels are overall uncomfortable.

And the boys are just being to friendly, I know people say embrace when people look at you but when it's only boys and they make uncomfortable comments about you I really don't want people looking at me.

Anyway I head into the common room and go to the group who are chatting about whatever.

"Morning guys"

They all look at me "morning Fawn" Jake says to me, the others mutter their good morning to me before I sit down next to Pansy.

Jake and Daphne are sitting next to each-other well Daphne is laying on Jake as it's to early for her.

Enzo, molly and Blaise are sitting together. Me and Pansy are sharing the 1 person seat because why not and Draco, Mattheo and Theodore are sat in the other couch.

"So who has 2 free periods today?" I ask them, "I have 1 second lesson" Enzo says to me.

"Does anyone have 2 feee periods?" I ask the group, everyone mutters no except Jake. "Mattheo has 2 free periods at the same time as you"

Mattheo tunes in at his name being mentioned "what do I have 2 of?" "I was just telling Fawn that you have 2 free periods later"

He humms in response not looking at me, "I think I'm going to go, I will see you all later" I say getting up

I quickly get out of the common room before heading down to the lake.

It's a calming place the lake is.

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