Prologue 1

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Part 1


Prologue 1---2 Years Ago

Sixteen year old Lizzie Hutch sat on the bus with all the other soccer campers. She was staring out the filthy window, when they finally pulled into the camp campus. There was a large motel at the end of a green soccer field, getting prepared to be painted. Lizzie stood and grabbed her bag before following the other teenage girls off the bus and into the motel. The head lady handed out the room keys and the girls split off to find their rooms.           

Lizzie collapsed on a comfy bed in room 72 and pulled the band from her long hair, letting it frail all over the bed. She heard music pumping from the room beside and imagined the girl throwing a party, later on this week. ‘One month till I’m a pro,’ she thought happily before picking up the phone and dialing home. “Hi mom…Yeah, we got here in one piece…o, I miss you too…say hi to mini-me…yes, of course mom…I can’t wait to see you in a month…love you, bye…” she said quickly; then she hung up with a sigh.           

‘KNOCK! KNOCK!’ Lizzie bolted to sitting as she stared at the door. “Who’s there?” she screeched frightened as she got up and pulled her hair back up. She walked slowly to the door and pried it open an inch. “Oh sorry, Coach,” she blushed as she finished opening the door. “Come in.” Lizzie walked towards the bed and sat down, while the Coach closed the door behind her. “Is something wrong?”           

“No. No. I just needed to gather some information. You’re Elizabeth Hutch, correct?” Coach asked as she glided forward till she was a foot in front of Lizzie. Lizzie nodded as she caught Coach’s gaze, which remained sweet and kind looking. “One more then I’ll go. What all sports do you do?”           

“Many different kinds. Soccer of course. I’m a cheerleader; plus, I started Martial Arts a year ago,” Lizzie answered swiftly as she dropped her gaze to her twiddling thumbs.           

“Very talented, I see. Well, I can’t wait to see what you bring tomorrow. Sleep well, Elizabeth,” Coach told as she turned and slipped back through the door.           

“Lizzie!” she yelled after Coach, but she seriously doubted that Coach heard her. She glanced at the clock before slipping her cell-phone, wallet, and room-key into her jean pocket; then she headed out the door, out of the motel, and into the city.           

Being that it was about six at night, the streets were crowded with people heading home. She pushed her way through them as she headed to the McDonalds. She entered with a bunch of people and got in line. The McDonalds was quick and she soon ordered and received her food. She sat alone, eating her fries; while she enjoyed the noise and bustle of the city.           

When she was done, the streets had cleared and she decided it was time to head back. The streets seemed dismal as she slowly walked back. Passing an alley, she heard footsteps behind her; so she glanced back and saw a man with his shining silver hair and bright silver eyes. She got so caught in his gaze that she couldn’t look away. “Hello,” she mumbled as she turned to face him.           

He flashed her a smile as he asked, “May I escort you home? A pretty girl as yourself shouldn’t be alone on a night like this.” He hooked her arm without an answer and began leading her down the street. After a few minutes, he stopped under a neon sign and inquired, “Are you thirsty? Cause I’m parched.” She nodded and he pulled her into the small restaurant.           

He whispered to the server, who then led them into a small room in the back. She sat down, waiting for him to order their drinks; but he didn’t. He closed the doors and turned to her. She stood without-thinking and walked over to him. He pulled her into his arms; then she screamed. Her body filled with fire as two little needles poked into her neck. She fought against him, but he pinned her to his chest. Her screams died as she began to feel faint; then he burst into ashes. She collapsed onto the floor, covered in his dirty remains.

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