Chapter 12

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Chapter 12---Day 4           

Lizzie rushed home after the last class. She flew around the house, cleaning, and making sure nothing vampire-related was lying about. She slid to a halt as she heard the doorbell and she took a deep breath before slowly walking to the door. She opened it with a smile as she said, “Come in. The living room is this way.” She led him to the couch and he sat down, while he continuous glancing around. “Can I get you a drink?”           

“Yes, that would be awesome,” he answered with a grin.           

She walked into the kitchen and breathed deeply before getting two glasses from the cupboard. She filled one with fruit punch and the other with blood; then she went back to him. “I hope fruit punch is okay,” she mumbled as she passed it to him and he just sat it on the table.           

“It’s fine,” he muttered as she sat down and he turned to face her. “You know a lot on Vampires, right? I heard you give your report on them the other week.” She nodded calmly as she gripped her cup. “So how about you pretend to be a Vampire and I interview you?” She nodded again, trying to keep a smile on her face. “Okay, is it true that Vampires can consume only blood?” he asked as he pulled out a wad of paper and a pen.          

“Not exactly. The leaders of Vampires can consume normal food with a special medicine. It is like people with allergy to milk,” Lizzie answered as she glanced around. ‘Remain calm, Lizzie. You can do this,’ she thought to herself.           

“That’s interesting. Okay, what about sunlight? Does it really burn up the Vampires?” he inquired as he glanced up at her.           

“Turn into ashes. It would be cool to see; then again, they are smart enough to only be out in darkness. The leaders, on the other hand, are immune to the sun,” she explained quickly as her nervousness grew.           

“To see something burst into ashes would be pretty cool. Okay, what do Vampires traditionally look like? And are the leaders different? I know they all have fangs,” he questioned as he scribbled down her answers.           

“Yes; the leaders are different, cause they keep their original hair and eye color. The other’s hair and eyes shift to silver like the moon, revealing them as night creatures,” she replied before sipping her drink; then she about retched. She put the cup down and muttered, “Excuse me one second please.” She hurried out of the room, up the stairs, and into her room. She quickly swallowed a pill as she thought, ‘If I had the fruit punch, then Zack has…Zack! No!’           

A scream pierced the air and she ran down the stairs and back into the living room. “Zack, are you okay? You must have gotten my Mexican soda,” she told as she saw his pale white face and the red liquid spilled on the ground.           

“There is no way that was Mexican soda! That was blood!” Zack pulled a silver knife out and pushed her against the wall; then he held the knife against her throat. “Why would you drink blood, unless…you’re a Vampire!” he yelled as he pressed it harder, breaking her skin.           

“I can’t be a Vampire! No silver hair! Can be in sunlight! And I had a soda with you the other day!” she cried as tears flowed down her cheeks. “Are you a Vampire Hunter?”           

“Maybe I am, but that isn’t what is important right now. Your eyes are flashing red,” he commented; then Lizzie groaned as her fangs poked out. “I knew it! You’re one of them! You must be one of the leaders!” He pushed it harder against her throat and blood trickled out of the cut.           

Lizzie grabbed VightVpeed’s hilt and flashed it between her and him. “Look! I may be a Vampire Princess! But! I won’t hurt anyone!” She pushed him off and held the sword at his throat for a minute. “I won’t hurt even you,” she muttered before dropping the sword and they both watched it fall. “I will not hurt you. You have my word as Princess Lizzie of the Vampires.” She looked at the knife in his hands and sighed. “Kill me if you wish, Vampire Hunter; but I don’t want to harm anyone.”           

Zack seemed taken back by her speech and he dropped his knife. “I have no wish to kill you. I’m only following orders,” he told as he stepped closer. “I never dreamed that you would be the one killing all those innocent people.”           

“Killing people? I would never!” Lizzie screamed as Zack put a hand on her arm. “I would never hurt anyone! I didn’t want to be like this!” Tears streamed down her face, faster and faster. “I wanted to be normal!”           

“Lizzie, how long have you not been normal?” he asked as he now had both hands on her shoulders.           

“Two years, but I try to stay as normal as possible. I’m not like the queen that hunts people like prey,” she sobbed as she stared into his eyes, trying to find his urge for killing her. “You have to believe me.”           

“I do,” he replied as he let go and turned away. “I was sent to kill a murderer, but you’re not a killer.” He glanced back at her before picking his knife back up. “I want you to bite me.”

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