Prologue 2

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Prologue 2---2 Years Ago           

She woke up covered in dirt. She struggled as her nails turned into claws and she quickly dug herself out. Her head above the surface, made her work so much faster. She unburied her legs; then she tried to take a breath, but it only made her body burn again. She held her breath and after a few minutes, she realized that she didn’t need oxygen. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ she thought as she went to step and ended up, flying several feet. “Woa,” she croaked as she sat down, trying to remember what happened.

She glanced up as she heard approaching footsteps, which made her nails extend into claws and fangs appear and pierce her lip. The man from behind the bar from the night before, poked his head in before smiling; then he shuffled in and pressed a bottle of red liquid into her hands. “You. Drink. Thirsty. Yes?” he said slowly as it had taken a lot of mental power to form those words.

She sniffed the top and retched, but the fangs elongated. She tried to hand it back, but he pressed her to sip it. She brought it to her lips and slowly let a little onto her tongue. Surprisely, it was sweet and made her crave for more; so soon she was gulping it down. She licked the inside for a minute before holding the empty bottle back to him. “Thank you…” she muttered, her voice seeming different but pleasant.

“Good. Yes?” She nodded happily and his smile grew. “More. Yes?” he questioned and she nodded again; so he rushed off.

Lizzie stood again and carefully put one foot in front of the other as she moved toward the box of dirt. She ran her fingers through the dirt as she checked the walls for windows, but there were none. All that was in the room was a dresser, a bed, and the box of dirt. She slowly moved over to the bed and sat on it. She slowly made her fingers travel up and down the fabric, taking in every seam.           

“More. Blood. Yes?” he asked as he pushed the bottle into her hands. She stared at him like he was crazy and she about dropped the precious bottle. She thought for a brief moment about refusing anymore, but her body craved it now; so soon it was gone too. “Thirsty. Yes?” he questioned as he took the bottle.         

“No,” she answered, admiring her voice. “Can I bathe?” she inquired as she stood, which made her see how much taller she was than he. It was like she had grown a whole foot over night.           

“Wash? Yes. Follow,” he told happily. He walked out of the room and she tried to follow, but she ran into the wall without trying to go fast. “Sorry. You. Little. Steps. Now. Yes?” He looked at her, still smiling and she nodded before again just putting one foot in front of the other. He still walked quickly; but even walking this silly way, she had no trouble keeping up. He stopped in front of a white panel door and smiled. “Wash. Yes. Soon. Back. Clothes. You. Stay,” he ordered before rushing off. He slipped in the door at the end and she sighed impatiently. He came back with a pile of red fabric. “Pretty. Clothes. Pretty. Girl.” He opened the bathroom door, handed her the clothes, and pushed her in.           

There wasn’t a mirror. There was only a shower, a toilet, and a sink. She laid the clothes onto the toilet lid and slipped off her outfit before beginning to shower. The dirt washed off easily and she just enjoyed the water flowing over her. After several minutes, she reluctantly got out, dried off, and slipped on the clothes. Blood red button-up blouse and a shade darker for the floor-length skirt, shrunk to fit her.           

She opened the bathroom door and peeked around for the bar man, but he was no where in sight. She slipped through and walked toward the room, where he had gotten the clothes. She pried open the door and went in. On the wall hung a mirror and on the far wall, light poured through a window. She grinned as she skipped over to the mirror and looked at it; then her smile faded. She screamed as she couldn’t find her reflection and began to back up toward the light.           

“Girl! No! Stop!” yelled the man as he rushed in and grabbed her arm, but it was too late. He stared at her a she stood in a pool of light. “You. Good? You. Safe?” he cried as he let go and backed up.           

“I’m not good. I can’t see myself in the mirror!” she screamed as she ran forward and punched through the mirror and into the wall. She gasped as she brought her hand back to find it just fine. “What am I?” she cried as she sank to knees, surrounded by glass.           

“Tu es la princessa de vampire,” he answered as he stepped forward. “You. See. Yourself. Yes?” He knelt and picked up a shard; then he whispered something over the glass before placing it carefully in her hand. “See. You?”           

She held it carefully and gazed in. She saw her reflection, but it had changed some. Her skin was almost pure white, but she had a glow and she seemed to have grown into her full self. “I’m…beautiful…” she muttered as she dropped the shard. 

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