The Cabin

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The peaceful morning breeze was abruptly disrupted as a massive winged figure burst through the skies above. With a powerful flap of its wings, it sent a gust of wind that caused the trees below to sway. The creature was a magnificent white-scaled beast, adorned with intricate light blue markings and expansive wings. With grace, it soared through the air above the gorge, an awe-inspiring sight. It was Light, transformed into her stunning and powerful dragon form, on her way to Ravenfall with her companion.

Ahead of Light flew an infinitesimally smaller figure, Crawford in his raven form leading the way. Two shifter girls on the ground below couldn't help but chuckle as they witnessed the grand spectacle. One of the girls, a wolf shifter with distinctive black ears and a tail, turned to her red fox companion. "Well," she mused, "that's certainly not something you see every day."

The fox shifter, in contrast, appeared tense and somewhat apprehensive. "Absolutely not. But don't you think it's odd? I mean, sure, we have animal people strolling about in this seemingly perfect little fantasy world, but dragons? Dragons?! When was the last time you heard about dragons in the gorge, aside from the dragon god? It just feels off. Like some kind of joke."


The cabin exuded a warm and cozy atmosphere. The delightful scent of coffee and freshly hunted game lingered in the air as Light and her companion settled onto the couch. It was a straightforward wooden platform topped with plush animal hides for comfort. While most shifters in the gorge had small, unremarkable cabins, Crawford's life as a hunter and messenger had afforded him the means to acquire a relatively spacious and well-appointed cabin.

Seated before the roaring fireplace, Light admired its mantle adorned with an assortment of weapons—daggers and arrows, many of which Crawford had skillfully crafted himself. Her gaze then wandered to the imposing head of a massive buck with formidable antlers that hung above the fireplace. It was an impressive trophy, even for a seasoned hunter like Crawford.

Taking a cautious sip of her coffee, Light winced slightly at first due to its scalding temperature. In the gorge, coffee was considered a luxury, and not many shifters had the privilege of enjoying it. It had been quite some time since the dragon had savored the rich beverage. As the earthy and elegant taste flowed down her throat like liquid gold, she couldn't help but remark, "It's quite good."

Crawford nodded, taking a long sip of his coffee and placing the wooden cup in his lap. The hot steam rose from it, swirling gently in the warm air of the cabin. He offered a sincere apology, saying, "I'm sorry for bringing that up earlier."

"Hmm?" Light hummed, slightly puzzled, after taking another sip of her coffee. She turned her gaze toward Crawford with a curious expression.

Crawford shifted a little uncomfortably. "You know. Saxon? I know you have your opinions about him," he replied almost hesitantly. "But a lot of times, he's actually right. I just want to know what's going on in this... strange little world of ours. And it seems we're both very determined about finding answers."

Understanding dawned on Light as Crawford spoke. She sighed softly and set her coffee cup down, looking at him with a mixture of understanding and empathy. "I get it," she replied softly. "Saxon's methods and demeanor might not be the most pleasant, but you're right. We both want to unravel the mysteries of this strange little world. Sometimes I just... don't want to think about it too much, you know? It can be overwhelming." She offered Crawford a warm and reassuring smile, acknowledging their shared determination to uncover the truth.

Light took another sip of her coffee in silence. After a moment, she spoke with a hint of humor, "As long as you're not trying to get me to like him."

"No, no..." her friend assured nervously, but Light could easily sense his unease. She scowled at him playfully as he seemed to sheepishly withdraw into his coat.

"Okay, maybe," Crawford admitted reluctantly after a brief moment of silence, his feathery wings folding tightly around himself in a nervous gesture.

Light narrowed her eyes in a playful manner, but she couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at the endearing sight of her bashful friend. Crawford could be quite the goofball at times, and it was one of the things that made him so endearing to her.

Crawford reached over to place his now-empty coffee cup on the table. He took a deep breath and then got straight to the point. "So, I'll just get to the point, Light—I want you to come with me."

Crawford had a tendency to leave conversations hanging, a habit that Light had grown accustomed to. She suspected it was a way for him to avoid upsetting her, so she braced herself for an impending topic that she might not like. After a brief silence, she asked with curiosity, "Where are you suggesting we go?"

"To talk with him. Saxon," Crawford answered with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Light had to stop herself from shooting out her wings in an agitated display. "You're kidding, right?"

Crawford rolled his eyes slightly, exasperated. "Come on, Light. Set aside your distrust for a moment and cut the guy some slack. You've never even met him," he urged, trying to persuade her to consider the idea.

Light took a deep breath, her wings relaxing as they folded tightly behind her back. In a resigned tone, she muttered, "Okay, fine," indicating her reluctant agreement to Crawford's proposal.

The annoyed expression plastered onto the raven's face gradually transformed into a warm and grateful smile. "Thank you, Light," he said sincerely. "I promise you, everything will be fine. Don't worry, okay?"

Crawford slowly rose from the couch, making his way to the counter against the far-left wall of the cabin. Light watched his movements closely, the sharp talons on his feet making a distinct clicking sound against the wooden floor. She couldn't deny that she wasn't particularly eager about this plan, but she also recognized that Crawford genuinely cared for her, especially in a world where others often shunned her because of her species. With that in mind, she decided to try and lighten up a bit and be more open to the idea.

Light's eyes widened with excitement as she watched Crawford pick up a plate from the counter and turn around, revealing a dish of venison. Food had always been a surefire way to capture her heart.

"Might as well enjoy a nice meal before we set off," Crawford suggested as he took a seat next to his companion.

Light had agreed to accompany him on this venture, but an uneasy feeling still lingered in the back of her mind. She just didn't want to upset her friend.

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