Chapter 20

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I didn't remember anything after I closed my eyes. My sleep was deep and dreamless. When I opened them again, I blinked, rubbing a hand over my face.

Studying Jonah in profile, my heart clenched as I glimpsed the grief, anger, regret, and heartbreak etched on his features as he stared at nothing. I hadn't tried to speak yet, but judging from the pain that erupted whenever I swallowed, it most likely wouldn't be possible.

I knew he was also suffering—if not more so than me. The grief, regret, anger, and heartbreak would be smothering him. I knew because it was exactly how I felt when discovering Waverly's secret. I didn't think I'd ever get the sound of Waverly sobbing out of my head. I didn't know what we'd do after this—how we would continue. As I looked around, I noticed Jonah and I were alone in our suite.

When I tried to sit up, my arms shook so badly that I gave up and sank back against the pillows. Jonah scanned my face, placing a steady hand on my cheek. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

I took a shaky breath and exhaled deeply before nodding. Jonah grabbed the notepad and handed it to me, our fingertips brushing together. It took a few seconds for my hands to steady enough to write. I don't know what I feel. It was the truth. There was an emptiness, a... heaviness weighing me down.

I didn't know how else to describe it. One minute, all I could think about was making sure Waverly was okay; the next, I wondered how I could even get out of bed. I can't get the sound of Waverly sobbing out of my head. It was the only thing that pierced through the unending silence.

"Your mom contacted Izzy and Nerissa to tell them what happened. They wanted to see you immediately, but she convinced them it was best to let you recover before you saw anyone." His voice was heavy with exhaustion; it was written all over his face.

I'd been thinking about the Sirens a lot lately—specifically Mica. Knowing what I knew now about them, it made sense how she came to be with them, but why Kailani and Waverly? I knew they came after orphans and those who'd felt ostracized and alone throughout their lives, but why go after two sisters who had both a mother and a father? Was it because of Waverly's connection to me?

A sudden pounding began in my temples, and I winced. Before I could so much as open my mouth, Jonah was reaching for a mug of bubble tea that was on our bedside table. I smiled my thanks and took the tea, slowly lifting it to my mouth. As soon as I took the first sip, I could breathe easier.

"I heard from Laguna a while ago. Waverly..." he trailed off, avoiding my gaze. I squeezed his hand and met his gaze. No matter what had happened, we were friends again, and I still cared about her. "Waverly won't leave her room or speak to anyone. She hasn't eaten or gotten out of bed in days. Not since..." he trailed off again, but his unspoken words were painfully clear.

Since Leena had given her the ultimatum that would change her life forever—since she had nearly killed me. I drained the rest of the tea, setting the mug back on our bedside table with an audible thud. I swallowed hard before scribbling on the notepad and handing it to Jonah. How long have I been asleep? I no longer felt exhausted, but there was a heaviness inside me that I knew would most likely never go away.

Jonah exhaled heavily, rubbing a hand over his face. "Almost two days." My eyes widened at his words, but when I looked out the window, I saw he was right. It was nearing dusk now, another day come and gone.

A knock on our suite door made both of us jump. After a clarifying nod from me, Jonah rose and swam to the door. After a hushed conversation with whoever was on the other side, he swam back into the bedroom, followed by Aunt Nerissa and Aunt Izzy. Both mermaids were crying softly, tear-streaked faces pale and eyes wide. They clutched one another as they scanned me from head to tail.

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