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April 10, 2021-V

12:15 p.m.

Hill Valley [Hell Valley], California

Meanwhile; Beatrice, Darla, and Veronica returned to the hideout of the resistance which was in Doctor Brown's old garage in Hill Valley. The name was changed to Hell Valley, much like in 1985-A only Doctor Brown dubbed this timeline, 2021-V. [The V for Victoria.] Beatrice opened the door and the trio went in. Veronica saw Remington and the two instantly hugged. As they let go of one other, Doc came over.

He asked, already knowing the answer, "Do you know where Timothy is?"

Veronica shook her head and answered, "I'm afraid not."

Doc sighed and commented, "Damn it, Timothy! Where the hell are you?"

Doc looked beyond frustrated. Clara sighed and went to his side as did his family and friends.

Veronica turned to Beatrice and asked, confused, "How the hell does he know Timothy?"

Beatrice answered, "Timothy is his great nephew."

Veronica was stunned as she asked, "Really?"

Darla answered, "Really."

Dorothy shushed them and said, urgently, "Quiet! There is some news about the resistance!"

Everyone who was there flocked over to the television as fast as they could. Chet Ubetcha was there. He was gray now but that didn't change his absorbent personality.

He reported, "This is Chet Ubetcha reporting that 001, Victoria's right hand man, and one of the members of the resistance are now in hand-to-hand combat!"

Everyone in the garage yelled, "What?"

Amie asked, furious, "Okay, who the hell isn't here?"

Chester stated, calm and cool, "Need you ask?"

Darla gasped and commented, "Aunt Nacey!"

The footage went to a live feed and sure enough, 001/Timothy was facing off against Nacey.

Remington shouted, "Damn it! Is she nuts?"

Beatrice offered, "I'll go get her. I'll be back soon."

With that, Beatrice fled to Dimmsdale to help out Nacey.


April 10, 2021-V

12:20 p.m.

Dimmsdale [Helldale], California

Nacey was dodging everything 001/Timothy was throwing at her and vice versa.

001/Timothy commented, "I don't want to hurt you, Nacey."

Nacey asked, taunting, "Why the hell not? Because you'll know I'll beat you, right?"

'Nance, please just for once, listen to me! And when the hell did you start swearing,' Timothy pleaded and wondered.

"Just get out of here while you can, Nance." 001/Timothy told her.

Nacey shook her head and responded, "I'm not falling for that. You let me go and you or your cohorts follow me to our hideout. And how dare you call me Nance! That nickname is for my friends only and you're certainly no friend of mine."

001/Timothy snarled at this. 'Nance, for once, I wish you would listen to me,' Timothy thought, angrily. At that moment, a sharp object was hurled at him, hitting him in the right shoulder. 001/Timothy went down in a heap and saw that sticking out of his right shoulder was a knife. Nacey, who once was Timothy's guardian, felt the pain of that blow. She perked up at this and wondered. 'But, why would I be sensing 001's pain? Unless.... No, it couldn't be; could it, ' She wondered as she saw Beatrice show up. Nacey put two and two together and knew that Beatrice had saved her. Beatrice went over to Nacey.

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