Chapter Three - Main Character

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"Here's ours Miss Bustier," Marinette said, feeling as though she was handing over a massive weight instead of a stack of paper.
It felt as though she was taking a breath of fresh air for the first ever time.

Finally - FINALLY - the stupid project had been handed in and Marinette and Adrien could stop working together.

Both Adrien and Marinette purposefully ignored each other for the rest of the day, instead of their usual snippy remarks, after spending a whole two weeks being forced to collaborate.

Once home, however, it seemed Adrien was not yet free from the curse that was Marinette.

"Why don't you just try to talk to her?" Plagg whined, AGAIN. He seemed to think that after the 'situation' in the library he and Marinette would suddenly be bosom buddies or something.

He thought wrong.

"Pla-agg," Adrien groaned, pulling his pillow over his head, "she's mental, she's completely oblivious to reason, shes-"

"Perfect for you" Plagg sang, downing a whole Camembert wheel in one go.

Immediately, he had to stifle his gag reflex, shooting up in bed and letting his pillow fall into his lap.

"Plagg I swear I will take off this ring if you don't stop," Adrien said threateningly, "besides, I still like Ladybug,"

Plagg remained silent, and when Adrien looked over he had a strange expression on his face.

"Whatever" Adrien muttered, flopping back onto the bed and shutting his eyes.


"Oh yeah, I'm going to remember this one," Marinette chuckled saving another one of Adrien's more laughable ad campaigns to a folder titled "blonde idiot being a blonde idiot".

"Marinette.." Tikki scolded.

"Tikkiiii, come on, these ads are ridiculous, I mean he has his own fragrance for goodness sake!"

"You've been working with him for a whole fortnight, you were trapped in a closet with him, you helped him get through his claustrophobia, how are you not friends already?"

"Tikki I've told you. He's just a rich daddy's boy who likes to prank others for a cheap laugh. I only helped him because it's a nice thing to do." Marinette said impatiently, "Besides, he's dating CHLOE,"

"But for all you know those pranks could have been an accident?" Tikki sighed, "And how do you even know they're dating?"

"It's so obvious, she clings to him like glue, they have nicknames for each other, he's so....sweet with her, there's no way she's just a friend,"

Tikki bit exasperatedly into her macaroon, "So you don't even like him a little bit...?" She prodded.

"Ew no tikki, you know I like Chat Noir," Marinette shuddered, "I can't even imagine being with someone like Adrien, he's"

Tikki sighed. She and Plagg had talked, often, mostly during classes or group events, and this feud was driving them both insane.

They'd have to find a way to get them to at least tolerate each other.


"...and who would like to play the female le-"

Miss Bustier didn't get to finish because the door was suddenly smashed open, revealing Marinette, soaked to the bone, clutching a soggy croissant, limping slightly on her still-tender ankle.

"Ah, Marinette, so glad you could join us," Miss Bustier said dryly, "now as I was sayi-"

"Miss Bustier?" Alya interrupted, waving her hand in the air with a mischievous look at Marinette.

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