Chater Fourteen - Ice skating

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Just a totally innocent trip to the ice rink that is totally not a date and absolutely nothing happens.

*I'm losing ideas for this fic lmao I just want them to love each other already, any ideas?*


"Adrien, hear me out, dude. Triple date to the ice rink." Nino's voice dripped with exaggerated solemnity.

Adrien snorted, "Well have fun with the two other couples there because I'm not going."

"Really dude, why?" Nino complained, drawing out the 'y' like a whiny toddler.

"Cuz I'm not in a relationship? Can't be a triple date with five people," a dramatic eye roll graced the end of his sentence, the "duh" ringing clear between them.

"Well obviously, that's why I invited a sixth person!" The palpable feeling of pride radiating from Nino gave Adrien a bad feeling.

"Who?" He sighed.

"It's a surprise!"

"No. Nino I am not going ice skating with Marinette. Especially if she's supposed to be my 'date'. No. Way." Adrien made sure to add the air quotes for the word 'date'.

"Dude come on, it's not like it's an actual date, we're just hanging out. As friends."

Adrien narrowed his eyes, "I'm not friends with her either."

"But your friends with me? And Alya! And Rose and Jules!"

The whiny tone was at an octave high enough to call over every dog in the city, prompting Adrien to finally huff out, "Fine I'll go," before Mrs Bustier entered the classroom to begin the lesson.

~♡~ Meanwhile ~♡~

"Okay girl so me, Nino, Rose, Juleka and Ad-"

"Don't," came the muffled response of the overtired girl beside Alya, head buried in the crook of her elbow.

"But I didn't finish-"

"But I know what you were going to say," Marinette groaned, lifting her head and glaring at her best friend, "You wanted to know if I would go hang out and third wheel with Adrien Agreste of all people." Her head banged back down onto the table, "No."

Alya blew out a harsh breath, "Marinette you won't even have to talk to him, he can hang out with Nino."

Marinette turned her head just enough to give Alya an incredulous look. "Really?"

"Girl we're just going ice skating, it's not like it's the cinema or something."

"Fine. But if you abandon me I'm going home." Marinette mumbled into her arm, shutting her eyes again.

Why, why, why did her friends constantly set her up with him? Why couldn't they just respect her boundaries?


Marinette's face almost hit the hard concrete pavement in her haste to exit the bakery.

No matter how much time she put aside to get ready, she always seemed to be running late.

"Are you okay?" Sabine called out the door, Marinette giving her a thumbs up before racing down the street towards the ice rink, sweating in her layers that were essential for the icy environment she was about to enter.

Her feet slapped noisily against the pavement, her breath coming in short stuttered gasps, before she finally skidded to a stop outside the building and dragged herself inside.

"Finally!" Alya squawked, staying true to her promise and racing to Marinette's side when she came into view.

The bluenette giggled, taking in the rest of the joyful greetings as she made her way to the bench, purposefully taking the furthest seat from someone while remaining part of the group.

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