Heroic Sparring with Isaac

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Isaac strode confidently into the training room, ready to face whatever challenges the team of young heroes could throw at him. He carefully removed his shoes and bowed respectfully before stepping onto the sparring mat, a gesture that caught the attention of the Canary perched on a nearby perch. The room was filled with the scent of sweat and determination, as well as the faint tang of metal from the weapons lining the walls.

Isaac's muscles tensed in anticipation as he prepared to face his opponents, his eyes scanning their eager faces for any hints of weakness. This was his element, his sanctuary, where he could unleash his full potential and prove himself as a true warrior.

"OK everyone, this is how it's going to work, we will spar until one us of admits defeat or concedes. If you all win then I'll spill some secrets about my past and answer all your questions, fair?" Everyone nodded. "Powers are not allowed, I want you all to realize you can't always count on your powers to bail you out. Learning to adapt is paramount to a successful mission, now let us begin."

Everyone seemed hesitant, unsure of what to make of their new instructor. They've never been challenged to not use their powers in sparring especially against an unknown like Isaac. However, there was one whose confidence was at an all-time high."I'll go first, just don't take it personally when I beat you. After all, It's normal to be upstaged by the fastest man alive." Flash rushed towards Isaac, throwing a barrage of swift kicks and punches.

Isaac's eyes burned with a fierce determination as Wally taunted him. "What's wrong, teach?" he sneered, his voice dripping with condescending arrogance. But before he could finish his sentence, Isaac's hand shot out like a bolt of lightning, quickly dodging and parrying Wally's attacks with ease. He moved so swiftly that Wally couldn't keep up, each strike landing mere inches away from Isaac's body. In a split second, Isaac lunged forward and dropped to the ground, sweeping Wally's legs out from under him in one fluid motion. Wally crashed to the floor with a loud thud, the wind knocked out of him as he stared up at Isaac in shock and defeat."What did I say earlier Sonic? I know hand-to-hand isn't your strong suit but that doesn't mean it's not important. Mastery of this subject could be the difference between life and death. If you'd like to try again then be my guest."

Wally grumbled to himself and walked back in line. Robin tried to place an encouraging hand on his friend's shoulder but the speedster swatted his hand away. Isaac watched the young man's reaction to defeat and took note of it. He turned his attention back to the team and noticed no one had moved forward.

"Kaldur! I would like to see what the team leader can do." The leader nodded and prepared for a fight. Isaac bowed, which threw the young man, but Kaldur reciprocated the sentiment.

"How come he didn't do that for me?" Wally asked.

"Because you didn't pose a threat to him." Artemis teased.

"Why you-!" Wally was about to start arguing but a glare from Canary told him otherwise.The final countdown echoed through the air, sending an electric surge of adrenaline through Kaldur and Isaac's bodies. As the timer reached one, they both exploded into action. Kaldur moved with lightning speed, delivering a barrage of powerful kicks and jabs, determined to catch Isaac off guard and gain the upper hand. With each strike, he forced the teacher back, his intense focus on maintaining a fierce offensive.

"That's it? I thought this guy was supposed to be our teacher? How come he is losing to Kaldur then?" Wally asked. A bit of him was still upset that he lost but now seeing him lose was enough to cheer him up. "He's not losing Wally. If you watch carefully, you can tell that Isaac is almost... playing with him." Robin pointed out.

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