bloossoming w childreen

116 0 6


i waas waitiing forr custard cuuz iim deprreessed and wanna kmsss, butt then thee doorbeel rrang and i openn the door too a bell.. and i had a ceaser ut then i woek up in sooem one arm

Weasel: Wake up, baby girl I have schools to shoot up. I need ur weapons

Ferris: *Blushes heavily..* Oookkay ill heell u kieel kilren

wirren: ookaay make gun. *says smile crraaayyzz on fce*

timeskip 44 am 

Frriss: gun down *hands gun toto weasel buut heands tuch kawaii, disaaaeses crisis orpphan ears*

wirren licckkss teaars off of face(

wirren: itss ookay what crrii for.?

fer: i mitthg liickk little kids... butt il ieek u moree.

wirren shootts fist  uwu dissase

wwarren oijnk of view

I wake up. What in what happnend? Oh no. What where my gun that shoot children yes? ferrif come frrom nowheer and looke att me "Ur soot chidlren goon done" andd thenn wee jdndied

lloonsery: ccann i lieck urr orrrphann earrs???????

fisturist diaaese of sizr bloeed cot

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