School Shooting.

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wearin waelks intoo ferrin storag closeing doerr beihind he cutelyy/

frrs: wat want babuyy

weerriin welks to fris an theen grabs obdect rom desk an bashes Frris skuuell in muutlieple tieems, ferrisss fieends tis attriactiv an criees cuteelly like a gaga butt then wirrn thinks thatt ferrari iss babyy to hee grrrabs hisss guun thta shoots chiildreens annd bashes frris fac in iw th bbbbbbbbbbb rogt ginihsing orf wi shoot hiem

 feris pot fview

ffris waakes up "wher am ii " Heee thiink it tinny qbraiin 

weeriin: waake up. 

fight: what

werin; wak up.

fists: wat

wain: wakeu uop uwip wakeeu pp jiweake upe

The voices then overlap, all that Ferris can hear is "Wake up." but he questions in his tiny tiny brain, what is he waking up from? Who is he? Is he really Ferris or is he Ferijn that two mentally unstable people created a story about. Is he real? Why is Ferris? Who is Ferris? A loud voice which is practically shouting the words "Wake up" shatters this train of thought.

frjis wakes up hee sttraes att the seiling derpeessivly he hten realizes wirren issnt reaal 

Warren is staring at him from the side, turns out that Warren is real.  Ferris happily smiles.

Ferris then remembers to take his schizophrenia pills, and it all goes away. Ferris stares into the white void, where is he? Then soon it all comes to an end, he is surrounded by the darkness.

Goodbye, Ferris.

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