miomoentol mmoriange

76 2 10

sowyeur gone long wee wnet to a phsyc woard in gift new parrtt very good.

fisturis: OOEEN dir uuul uck up selling avoob ifi lucky surrounded byyyy yeepepl u lliieekk ;)

wiirren:: sajt sing babaaaaaaa

furry: wehen thee liiight faadd iin craz eyees liff flash byone daY DISASE

wiaaurn buck upp scarrrreyywarreyy 

ifjeeiffieif: oeenn day lsep no wak gain

wiiirrne screams in taororooca: noo tlak sdiase! 

idisasiaurfrs laugh begor continue

fffirwswe: heeeavvn neelll nirrivvanna nooouunthing  ono oooennn knooww heowwwjdia how endreest in pea iro peice no even knoww why one day IDE

wwiien bawk bawkp uppsies i atry door but LOOEKC!" OOEENN NOWWW'

firiririsiissisiisisi red hororoorrr scoooop red taroott curds eitith wa desitinatianjkmx no far.

 gee saysys wallking tooooooo wiirrirennnnnnnnn sxcaeyeyhsfdn

wirirenenen hyperventlake

AWDOHAHfuio FIIRRIES: uuu coudld downnncoke buurnn hit haurhaurahurhaur wwhat doon kiil makeeee eysasi0okfsinksnjsdknj buut SOMETHINGwiil eeeeeeeeeveeee ntually

hunijdskm iiff get 2 cooooements contiinue (please intercac or ielleeis i kill ur self!!!!!!!! RAGE. alpha imm to one trust.)

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