Its where warren lives

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iwnigvisgeaitor: I wwiil creeek thiiss craze off naugugthy bad boi wiirren..

theee iinviissiiiigier slluups iin hiss east haaivvng noooooo clue wheere wirren life.

hee drrrwas uhimseelelf froroom east nand opeen lptop aaand thyypes fururisaouly aand lookeeeds upp "wirrennnaughtydaughtyboy" hee finanlly getts a cluee. sheet aa forrmm onliine iin wheen onee secoond ago heee reads it hieeaisyl eageeer to fiien hjfisclues "naame: wiwirrnke" aanught booy a"aheg: 100" "wher lief: iiinsisiide iof ferriiin dear,🥺🥺t" 

hthre iingestigerator anndd foiees toovr to raiibow too fiine wither wirren ess "GRRRRI II THOUUGHT U" wirren steeps wearirily outt off gieirifeirin eherbisert "feeriin" eee call argnierly "briring bee shoottt chiildren dellux guuooon.." 

the end :3

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