Practice Makes Perfect

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Riftan and Bell postponed their fight regarding the Dragon egg and agreed on entrusting Ruth, the mage, with it.

Ruth guranteed to lock it away in his tower to ensure Lady Maxi's and all Anatolian's safety.

Things slowly went back to normal.

Ruth enjoyed his new gained freedom as several of his tasks could be handed over to Belisent again upon her return. One task that has been making him especially desperate were different assessments that he had to take on during Bells absence. Upon her return, he could hand over all the files that have been piling up, which lightened his mood quite a lot.

„Are you studying medicine?", the mages gaze wandered over the oak table in the library, at which Maxi was seated.

„O-oh umm I... f-figured a m-monster attack could happen a-again... I th-thought it wouldn't h-hurt to learn a f-few things."

„I see.... That is quite commendable of you. When have you started. If I may?"

„P-pardon?", Maxi glared at the mage in disapproval, as he was just freely invading her personal notes, going through them.

„Hmmmm I see. Ah, this term! I must ask... my lady, are you fluent in the ancient tongue?"

„Ohh w-well... I l-learned it when I was young. My f-father would... he would h-have me recite p-poems... I w-was n-no good..."

„Your writing seems evidence to the contrary."

„I-I enjoyed reading s-so... I can read a-and write. But that's it."

„My lady, why don't you learn magic instead?"


„That's right! Why didn't I think of that sooner? Learning magic would be much better than learning medicine! If you can cast healing spells my burdens will lessen!"

„B-but you said... m-magic was one of the highest forms of academia... that it r-requires a lot of c-complex calculations. I c-could never..."

„That only applies to studying advanced magic. It's different for basic magic.", the mage explained and so it was settled. Making full use of his time, he started to teach Maxi magic which was much harder than Maxi initially expected.


Learning magic was no easy task, even with the greatest sorcerer around being one's teacher.

„Hence! Consequently! It was concluded that this defined modification, which had been derived from the aforementioned recurrence formula, lowered the threshold of interference upon the world! Ergo, the very core that sustains a rune is the discord between the different aspects we have recorded from our observations regarding mana sensitivity! Furthermore, if we apply the enlightenment we had obtained from our understanding of structurally reduced magic, we can now downsize a 42-step to five - can you believe it - FIVE STEPS! There is nothing more delightful than... how about that, my lady?", Ruths eyes were sparkling with excitement as he laid down the calculations of his explanations on the blackboard: „Isn't that as easy as counting?", he beamed.

„Wow... not at all, Ruth.", Belisent, who was going through some books at a nearby shelf, shook her head. She approached Maxi who was sitting at the oak table, a desperate look on her face, and gently laid a hand on Maxis shoulder: „Don't get discouraged, my lady. It's not your fault that he is like this. Some say something may have hit his head when he was a child...", she whispered chuckling.

„BELISENT! If you don't have anything of value to add here, please see yourself to the door!"

„Sure!", she stepped closer to Ruth and took the chalk from his right hand: „Please excuse my intrusion, but in my humble opinion, the indeterminate solution of the normal equations could also be resolved like this.", she scribbled over Ruth's equations, then turned to him and gave him a wink: „Now I shall take my leave."

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