Magical Moment

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a chill over the surroundings, Ruth made his way to his tower, tightening his cloak to shield himself from the encroaching cold.

"There you are," Bell approached him.

He instinctively recoiled. "Don't come any closer!" Ruth warned, pulling back and defensively extending his hands.

"When did you become such a scaredy-cat, Ruth?" Bell chuckled, then winked, saying, "I promise not to lay a finger on you."

"That still sounds kind of wrong," he muttered.

Bell's laughter resonated in the evening air as she took a step back, hands raised in a playful gesture of surrender.

"Alright, Ruth, no need to be so jumpy. I just wanted to ask if you'd care to join me for a walk under the moonlight like in old times. No funny business, I swear."

Ruth hesitated for a moment, his defensive stance softening. He looked into Bell's eyes and, with a subtle smile, replied, "A walk sounds... nice. Just, no unexpected surprises, alright?"

As they strolled together, the moonlit night seemed to cast a magical glow around them, and the tension melted away, replaced by a shared sense of ease.

Bell guided Ruth through the castle gardens, their footsteps blending with the soft rustle of leaves. The air was filled with a gentle fragrance of autumn.

As they walked, they shared tales of their travels, weaving stories of distant lands and mythical creatures. Ruth listened intently, captivated not just by the tales but by the enchanting storyteller herself.

In the quiet intimacy of the night, Ruth found himself drawn to Bell's charisma, her laughter becoming a melody that echoed in the corridors of his heart.

In a moonlit clearing, Bell turned to face Ruth, her eyes reflecting gratitude.

"You know, Ruth, I'm truly thankful that Rif, you, and the knights returned safely from the Lexos mountains. I worried I might never see you again," she whispered, her gaze lost in the night sky, recalling the wishes she sent up in Elam.

"I swear I would have taken down Duke Croyso if anything had happened to Rif and you," she clenched her jaw in anger, but Ruth's gentle hand on her shoulder brought comfort. "Shhh, don't get worked up about it. We're back safe and sound," he reassured, and she looked up, offering a small smile in acknowledgment.

"Can you believe that Duke Croyso's daughter is so kind despite her father?" Bell shook her head, and Ruth smiled, sharing her sentiment.

"I had concerns about Lady Maximilian, especially when she stayed at Croyso Castle after the marriage, but I'm relieved those concerns proved unfounded. The past three years were tough. I'm also glad you returned from Elam safely," he said, giving her an unreadable look before composing himself. "Otherwise, I would have had to endure your assessments continuously. Insufferable workload," he sighed.

Bell laughed, "I missed your workforce, too," and Ruth grinned in response.

As they continued their walk, a strange warmth enveloped Ruth, the mage usually immersed in the arcane. They reached Ruth's tower, standing before the main door that led to his workspace and chambers.

"How's the egg?" Bell shifted the conversation, gazing up at the tower.

Ruth snapped out of his thoughts, shrugging. "Nothing special... I was thinking of infusing some mana to try to hatch it, but Lord Riftan would surely kill me if I did..."

"Yeah, probably," Bell mused, wondering, "Do you also think that it's dangerous to hatch it?"

"Well, there certainly is an unknown risk to it... you don't know how the dragon is going to turn out, do you? There is a chance that we will be facing another red dragon Sektor."

"Hmm, there is this legend in Elam about the dragon riders. Apparently, there once was a tribe of few people who mastered the art of taming dragons. But they vanished several decades ago... Just imagine the potential of a tamed dragon! Imagine the red dragon Sektor following someone's commands!" Bell beamed at Ruth, and he couldn't help but smile.

"That would indeed be a very mighty weapon," Ruth contemplated. "And it would definitely cause a high ruckus."

"So, we better not hatch it," Bell frowned, thinking about the egg, "Or let's dissect it."

"I dissected Sektor. You can have my report if you're interested in the autonomy of the dragon," Ruth offered, and Bell's eyes began to sparkle.

"I would love to!"

Ruth meticulously shifted through his paperwork and presented his report to Belisent, savoring each moment of their professional exchange. The joy in her return was palpable, heightened by the soft glow of candlelight in the intimate chamber.

As their conversation unfolded, a magnetic pull drew them closer. Ruth, still holding the parchment, took a step nearer, the air thick with unspoken desire. The ambient candlelight intensified, casting a romantic hue over the room.

Finally, the moment crystallized, and Ruth, unable to contain the emotions any longer, gently cradled Belisent's face.

The moonlight embraced them in a soft glow, casting shadows that danced in rhythm with their heartbeats. The scent of blooming jasmine lingered in the air. Belisent's dark orbs were staring right into his soul, as he slowly leaned in, his fingertips tracing the delicate lines of her cheek.

He felt as if he was in a trance, drawn to her like a moth to the light of a lantern in the dark. His eyes wandered to her delicious lips that were parted slightly.

Were her lips yearning for his as well?

He slowly leaned in closer, lowering his head to hers until their lips almost met. Perhaps in a soft, lingering kiss?


They were interrupted by a loud noise, making them both jump suddenly.

One of Maxi's kittens had sneaked into the chamber and accidentally knocked over some of Ruth's magical artifacts.

"Damn it..." Ruth muttered, turning away and sighing heavily.

"These cats are as insufferable as their keepers..."

And just like that, their magical moment had passed.

The interrupted spell of potential romance lingered in the air as they both turned their attention to the mischievous kitten's antics. Ruth, now more focused on the scattered artifacts than the almost-kiss, shared a bemused look with Belisent.

"Maxi really needs to keep a better eye on these little troublemakers," Ruth remarked, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

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