Chapter 8: Meeting the Squad

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Early the next morning I left the bunkhouse with a small bag of my things before heading to the administration building. I was nervous and unsure of what would happen, but I would face it confidently. I saw the commandant and Commander Erwin waiting for me outside the entrance.

Erwin: Good morning Y/n.

Y/n: Morning sir.

Erwin: Are you ready to go?

Y/n: Yes.

Erwin: Alright then. It's time we got going.

Shadis: Go make humanity proud, soldier.

Y/n: I will, and thank you for everything.

Shadis: It was my pleasure.

We both saluted before Erwin and I proceeded to turn and walk out the main entrance of camp where there was a wagon waiting with a scout at the reins.

???: This the kid?

Erwin: Yes. Y/n, meet Miche Zacharias. He's one of the finest soldiers I've ever had the pleasure of fighting alongside. Miche, meet Y/n Yeager, our newest recruit.

Y/n: Hello.

Miche: How does it feel rolling with the big dogs fresh out of training?

Y/n: I'm a little nervous but mostly excited.

Miche: It's an exciting life we lead, though not always in a good way. You should learn that ASAP.

Y/n: I've accepted that my life will always be at risk as long as I'm a member of the scouts. Even so, I've pledged my loyalty to the cause.

Miche: Heh, I like you kid. We'll get along just fine. Now hop in.

Y/n: You got it.

I climbed into the back of the wagon and sat down. We took off and rapidly began leaving the place I'd spent two years of my life in the dust. The camp was out in the middle of nowhere due to it being a military installation, so it would be a long time before we got to where we were going.

(Timeskip, 3rd pov)

When it was time for the other cadets to rise for breakfast and morning training, both Eren and Armin felt as if a weight had been placed on them. They'd meant what they said when Y/n had told them about being transferred to the scouts a year early, but they felt like things were dull and lifeless without him around. They knew it wasn't too different than before when he'd refused to talk to them, but they still felt empty inside.

Jean: Did Y/n get up early or something? He's not in his bunk.

Conny: Who cares? If he wants to get in trouble with the commandant I say let him. It's not our problem.

Jean: Yeah, you're right. We should hurry if we want to make it to breakfast.

All the cadets left the bunkhouse except for two. Eren and Armin watched their comrades leave while they stayed behind.

Armin: I can't believe he's gone now. Reality picked a strange time to kick in.

Eren: You said it. I know we said we were happy for him but it feels like something's missing.

Armin: You feel it too? The emptiness?

Eren: Yeah, but we shouldn't sit around moping. At the end of the day, it was his choice and we can't take that from him. Besides, we'll see him again next year so we should try to keep our chin up. Y/n wouldn't want us moping around over him. 

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