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In the clouds, the Blue Fairy waited for Nova. Nova clumsily flew towards her, carrying a bag of fairy dust, before coming to a stop.

"Easy!" the Blue Fairy said.

"Sorry," Nova apologized.

"Careful. Careful. Fairy dust is the most precious substance in all the land. Its magic is what powers the world. This is the year's supply – we must be cautious."

"I know."

"Because, next year, you'll be doing this alone."

"I-I'll still be picking up dust? I thought I'd be a fairy godmother by then."

"Oh, Nova. You really are a dreamer. Your journey is just beginning. Can you make it home from the mines with all the dust safe?" Nova nodded. "Okay."


The fairy dust from Nova's bag fell from the sky and spiraled to the ground. The dust reached the mine, where there was a cluster of eggs. The dust was absorbed by one of the eggs, which then began to move. Two dwarves, who were inspecting the eggs, noticed.

"This one's ready," Watchy said.

"No. It's too early, Watchy," Bossy told him. "This unit isn't scheduled to hatch till sundown."

"Well, someone's eager to get out before the rest of his brothers." A hand punched through the shell of the egg. The dwarf inside turned out to be Grumpy.

"Welcome to the world, dwarf."


Leroy was eating breakfast at the counter in Granny's Diner. Mr. Clark and Walter entered.

"Uh, excuse me, Leroy," Mr. Clark said. "Uh, do you mind scooting over a seat so Walter and I could sit together?"

"If I wanted to sit there, I would've sat there," Leroy shot back. "You want this seat? Try dragging your sorry asses out of bed a little earlier."

"You're a real ray of sunshine as-" He sneezed.

"Congrats -- just lost my appetite. Seat's all yours." Leroy got up to leave as Mary Margaret walked in.

"Excuse me. Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Mary Margaret asked and the diner went silent. "I'm sorry to interrupt your morning, but I just wanted to remind everyone that a very special occasion is upon us -- Miner's Day. As always, the nuns of Storybrooke are hoping that everyone will get involved, and will help sell their exquisite candles. All we need are a few energetic volunteers. So, who wants to join me?"

Everyone ignored her and went back to what they were doing. Leroy headed to the door, which Mary Margaret was standing in front of.

"Leroy, you want to volunteer?" Mary Margaret asked.

Leroy frowned. "I want to leave, sister. You're blocking the door."

"Of course. Uh, you know, if you wanted to help, it could really be a-"

"Oh, yeah. Right. Quite a team we'd make -- town harlot, town drunk. The only person in this town that people like less than me, is you. If you're coming to me, you're screwed."

Leroy left. Mary Margaret left moments later. Emma and Emmett followed her outside and walked along with her.

"Hey," Emma greeted. "Mind if we join you? So, what the hell is Miner's Day, and why are you beating yourself up over it?"

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