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Hook and Elizabeth's ships were anchored at the docks of Storybrooke. Seeing that the coast was clear, Hook jumped off the ship, then assisted Cora off while Elizabeth got off her own ship.

"Well, my dear Cora, this is where we shall part ways," Hook said. "Thank you for everything. It's time for me to skin my crocodile and for Elizabeth to explore the town."

As Hook turned to leave, Cora magically disappeared, then reappeared in front of him."You might want to rethink this."

"We had a deal. Get out of my way."

"Believe it or not, I'm doing you a favor."

"By preventing my vengeance?"

"Ask yourself how I'm doing that."

"By using your dark magic."

"Exactly. Magic is here. And that makes matters a bit more complicated. If you go off half-cocked after an empowered Rumpelstiltskin, do you know what'll happen? So, you do. Good."

A fisherman spotted them on the pier and approached them. "Hey. You folks need anything? Tackle shop don't open until morning. But, if you want to go out and try and snare some of New England's finest pescatarian creatures, I'd be happy to open early for ya."

"No, thank you," Elizabeth replied. "We're fine."

"It's a fine vessel you both got there. When'd you get in?"

"What vessels?" Cora questioned.

"W-Why those ones right..." Cora waved her hand and the ships turned invisible. "Hey, that's a neat trick. You some kind of magician back in our land?"

Annoyed, Cora magically transformed the man into a fish. As it flopped on the dock, Hook kicked it into the water.

"What did you do with my ship?" Hook and Elizabeth asked.

"I hid it from prying eyes. For what we each want to do, we need the element of surprise. Now you ready to listen to me?"

"Go on, Your Majesty," Hook said. "What now?"

"Let's go have a little look at this Storybrooke, shall we?"


Mary Margaret and David were in bed.

"What are you thinking?" David asked.

"That it's good to be back," Mary Margaret replied.

"Yeah? And what are you really thinking?

"Twenty-eight years is too long to wait between-"

Henry, Emma and Emmett entered the apartment, returning home from shopping.

"Hey!" Henry greeted. "Guess what? Taco shells were on sale."

"Apparently, tacos? Not a big item in the Enchanted-" Emma cut herself off as she, Henry and Emmett saw Mary Margaret and David in bed.

Henry frowned and asked, What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon."

"The trip back was tiring, and I needed to rest," Mary Margaret said.

"And I needed to... Help her rest," David added.

Emma's eyes widened slightly. "Uh, let's... Let's go make the tacos. We have to make a lot, because there's going to be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight."

Henry headed into the kitchen while the adults spoke.

"We thought you were going to be back later," Mary Margaret said.

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