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Milah was sewing inside when Rumpelstiltskin's voice was heard through the door. "Milah?" He entered with a paper in hand. "Milah."

"I'm nearly finished," Milah told him.

"Oh, you learn quickly."

"I have a good teacher." They kissed. "What is it? What brings you home so early?"

"Milah... My weaving days are behind us. I've been called to the front." He unrolled the piece of paper and held it in front of Milah. It read: 'Rumpelstiltskin (sic) You have been drafted into the King's army'.

"The Ogres War."

"I report for training in the morning."

"No. Rumple, I've heard stories. The front – it's a brutal place."

"Oh, Milah... I-I know, I know. I... I can't say that I... I won't be frightened. But... But this is the chance I've been waiting for...all my life. You know, I've lived under the shadow of my father's actions for too long now."

"Just because your father was a coward, it doesn't mean you are."

"Oh, I know that. As do you. But to the world? Fighting in this war finally gives me the chance to prove that to everyone else."

"Go. Be brave. Fight honorably."

"Oh, God, I love you."

"I love you, too. When you return, we can start living the life we've always dreamed of."


"We can have a family."

"A family."


Emma, Henry, Emmett and Mr. Gold arrived at their destination via taxi. They looked up at the apartment building in front of them.

"What's wrong?" Emma asked. "This the right place?"

"Yes, it is," Mr. Gold replied.

"Let me guess," Emmett said in a sarcastic tone. "They're not expecting you. Well, who doesn't love a surprise?"


At Regina's house, Cora and Regina were conversing, while Cora attempted to comfort Regina.

"What is it, sweetie?" Cora inquired.

"It's Henry," Regina answered. "Emma and Emmett left town with Gold, and they took him with them."

"And you didn't stop them?"

"I didn't know until after they had gone."

"I'm sure he's safe. And, as soon as Gold's done, Henry will be back."

"But not with me."

"Back?" Hook questioned. "From where? Where's Rumpelstiltskin gone?"

"I don't know."

"Well, if he's left town, then he's powerless. He can be killed."

"The moment either of us leave, we lose our magic... And our advantage," Cora said.

"Your memories?" Elizabeth repeated with a frown.

"None of us were victims of the curse," Regina said. "It's not about memories - it's about magic."

"Well, I don't need magic," Hook said. "I'll go after him alone."

"Even if you could find him, do you really think you can just walk up to him and stab him in the heart with your sword?"

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