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The morning sun pours its gentle warmth into the greenhouse, painting a golden hue across my face as I wait for class to start.

I'm sitting next to Marlene on one of the tables, engrossed in the tale of her weekend date with Gareth. He took her to Madam Puddifoot's, much to Marlene's dismay. "I couldn't bring myself to tell him I hated it. It was dreadful — absolutely horrible."

"The place or him?" I inquire, my fingers dancing lightly over the leaves of a nearby plant.

Marlene ponders for a moment. "Both, I suppose. All he wanted to talk about was Quidditch. A bit of warning would've been nice."

I raise an eyebrow in playful defence. "We were never exactly chatty, you know."

In mock despair, Marlene dramatically flops backward onto the table. "Why do boys have to be so stupid?" she groans.

"Well, you did force me to spend my Saturday with three of them," I quip, a sly smile dancing on my lips.

Marlene shoots me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about that."

My response is sincere. "It's alright... I actually had a good time."

Just then, Professor Sprout's urgent voice rings out. "MS. DAVIES, DO NOT TOUCH THAT PLANT!" She comes rushing towards me, but it's too late.

The plant, which I've been idly toying with moments earlier, seizes me, spewing vibrant purple liquid in all directions.

My eyes widen in surprise as the plant's grip tightens. Purple liquid splatters across my robes and the table, leaving a vibrant, shimmering mess.

"Merlin's beard!" Marlene exclaims, scrambling to her feet. "Ellie, are you alright?"

Professor Sprout hurries over, waving her wand to coax the plant into releasing its hold. With a few deft flicks, the plant finally relents, retracting its tendrils.

"There now, dear. Just a little enthusiasm, that's all," Professor Sprout says, her eyes twinkling.

I carefully stand up, examining the extent of the colourful stains on my robes. "Enthusiasm?"

"You should be grateful this one's just a teenager, or you'd be wearing boils and flesh wounds," Professor Sprout observes.

My eyes widen. "That's... comforting," I mutter under my breath.

"Nevertheless, you should get cleaned up. You're excused from the rest of the class."

I quickly gather my belongings, waving to Marlene as I make my way to the nearest bathroom, hoping to wash away the vivid stains that cling to my robes.

I push open the heavy door, the scent of soap and damp stone greeting me.

As I approach the sinks, I hear the door creak open behind me. I glance over my shoulder and freeze. Dorcas Meadows stands there, her expression a mixture of surprise and thinly veiled disdain.

"What are you doing here?" Dorcas's voice drips with hostility.

"It's a bathroom. What do you think?" I turn back to the sink, trying to keep my composure. "Just cleaning up. What's it to you?"

Dorcas steps further into the room, her posture rigid. "You think you can just play with people's hearts, don't you?"

I turn off the tap, my hands clenched around the edges of the sink. "I don't want any trouble, Dorcas. Can we just leave it at that?"

Dorcas's eyes narrow. "You can't have him."

My jaw tightens, but I keep my voice steady. "You've got some nerve. You think I'm playing with people's hearts? Don't you realise that is exactly what Magnus has been doing. Did you know that he told me he loved me? But by the time I was ready to say it back, he had moved on to you. Although he always kept the door open, didn't he? So whenever you and him were broken up, he let me believe there's ever a future for him and I. I'm tired, Dor. I don't want him anymore. I'm done."

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