part 2

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someone said in not so serious voice
Taekook : hyungueee we missed youuu
? : liers I know you guys did missed me
Taekook : hyung you are our sunshine our hope how can we not miss you
They said in high pitch voice
Jhope : yeah yeah I know btw with whose permission you both are eating ice cream
He said while wiggling his eyebrows
Taekook : hehe 😅
Tae : hyung we were hyungry please don't tell this to anyone
Jk : yes hyung please we are your cutie babies right
Jhope : fine but finish this quickly before someone else come
Taekook : thanks hyung
They both again sat in the mat and started eating the Ice cream which was half melt but do they care nahhhh , jhope also came near them and sat beside them untill jk noticed something
Jk ; hyung what's that
Jhope : what
Hearing this tae's attention also went to jhope
Jk : there's something on your face
he said worriedly and tried to touch that but jhope hiss
Tae : hyung
Said in worried voice
Jk : hyung what's that who did this tell me
Jhope : kookie it's nothing
Jk : hyungggg
Jhope : fine , actually today he came at the training area
Taekook : whoo
Jhope : ………

Hey guys it's your author, I m a bit disappointed you didn't completed my target but I still uploading this part for you , next time I for sure wants the target to be complete or else I will not upload

Target : 10 votes ✨

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