part 6

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Episode 6

Tae : what's happening
Tae spoke with his raspy voice as he was sleeping
Kookhope widened their eyes
Kook : shit we are gone
He thought in his mind
Mr Kim : jhope you can go now , and meet me at training centre
Jhope : yes appa
He said this and went out of his room while praying for our taekook
Tae : appa you here
He said confusingly, jk even tried to make him understand what's happening here with his eyes , but our was sleepy he didn't understood
Me Kim : u will know my son
He said and went towards tae , he touched tae’s forehead to check his fever but the fever was gone till now
Mr Kim : Hm you r unlucky tae
Tae : why appa
Mr Kim said nothing and went towards Jungkook
Mr Kim : you should've told me that this was eating that shit
He said in angry voice
Mr Kim : I dont care about anything you will go for training today and that's it
Tae : appa
Mr Kim : you shut up I will see you
Jungkook: appa please leave him , he didn't do it by himself , I brought the ice cream
Mr Kim : you think I don't know
Jungkook : sorry appa
He apologized remembering the amount of cameras in their house
Mr Kim : go
He said with his deep voice
Jungkook: where appa
Mr Kim : go bring the cane and tae you come with me In punishment room
He said to tae who was ready to sleep again
Jungkook : why appa , please leave him it's my fault only you can hit me if you want
Tae : why appa what happened what I did
Mr Kim : Jungkook don't argue with me , or I will double his punishment
Jungkook: sorry appa
He said with his with sorrow voice and went out to bring the cane cuz he know no one can go against his father
Tae : appa I m sorry for whatever I did please forgive me appa please I m begging you please appa
Mr Kim : I don't wanna hear anything come with me
Time skip
In punishment room 📍
Jungkook Opened the came inside just to witness a crying taehyung with his both red cheeks
Jungkook : appa ca-ne
Mr Kim : hm
Jungkook turned around to go outside the room but he stopped when he heard
Mr Kim : don't go , and see him getting punish so you won't do it again
Jungkook: appa please let me go
He said with teary eyes he can't see his baby hyung crying
Mr Kim : do I need to repeat anything
Jungkook: sorry appa
Mr Kim : and you in your positions
Mr Kim pointed at tae
And you know the rules
1: no cursing
2 : no struggling
3: say sorry everytime you got hit
4: always bare punishment
5 : don't say stop otherwise your punishment will increase
6 : don't break your position

And you r getting 50
He said with plain voice , with no guilt or anything
Jungkook : appa that's too many ,you cant hit him that much he is so sensitive
Mr Kim : 60
Jungkook : Appa
Mr Kim : if you say another word I m gonna make it 100 , you r making things hard for him Jungkook
Jungkook : sorry appa
Mr Kim : hm
He saw tae was already in his position, he was bending over the table
Kim taehyung don't you know the rules
Tae : so-rry appa
He immediately lowers his bottoms cuz he know his dad is already so angry with him , he was thinking this only suddenly a hit came on his bum making him scream as the hit wasn't hard , it was extreme , his already finded their ways
Tae : Sorry
Tae : ahhhhhhh appa
Mr Kim:  say sorry
tae : sorry appa
He was already crying mess even though it was 3 hits
But his attention goes to Jungkook who was also crying , his eyes were closed his hurt clenched
tae : appa its hurting
Time skip ( after 60 hits ) I m not comfortable in writing all of that so sorry
Tae was already half fainted, Jungkook eyes were red also , and Mr Kim already went out of the room after punishing tae
Jungkook : I m sorry bubba
He said while picking up tae as tae condition was not like that he could walk


Hi guys sorry for being late , I wrote this long chapter as an apology
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